(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Yes, indeed. I'm not sure when the bugs slipped in, but I will try to fix them asap.

Yes, indeed, seems this was leaved unfinished in 2.4RC development. Fixed.


(11 replies, posted in Setup)

Good question. In fact this hook is currently not called with $check_only set to true.


(11 replies, posted in Setup)

You probably haven't enabled LDAP php module, and application execution hangs on call to unexisting ldap_connect() function.
Additional check has been added during module activaton, and new module version is already uploaded to FA extensions repository.

If you would like to continue tests from this point, just remove Auth_LDAP configuration from installed_extensions.php file (also in company/* folders), remove /modules/auth_ldap folder and try login again. Now you can install fixed module version if you wish.
Thanks for reporting this problem.



(14 replies, posted in Setup)

Yes, this was a bug in Item editor, just fixed in repo. Thanks for reporting.


(18 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Ironically all the extensions does not suffer this bug. This change was overlooked in the main code only.

fraserks wrote:

For the quantity for check_negative_stock (line 568) it uses $line_item->quantity.  I suggest it should be using $line_item->qty_dispatched.  This way it is checking for the amount I am trying to deliver, rather than the amount that is not yet delivered.

I'm not sure what you mean. In cart::check_qoh() $line_item->qty_dispatched is used, and it is about line 588. Which FA version you have installed?



(5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Following our non-written coding policy regarding sql statements (like using capital letters for sql keywords) there is no need for additional cleanups here :-).


(18 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

We had small bug in database scheme, which I has just fixed in initial sql files. Impact of this big is moderate as such  journal postings are made mainly during opening balance entry on fresh installations, so I think we do not have to implement any special measures to fix the problem in existing databases on next minor release.

Anyway, any existing FA database can be fixed easily with following command run in phpmyadmin:

ALTER TABLE `0_debtor_trans`
   ADD PRIMARY KEY(`trans_no`,`type`,`debtor_no`);

Thanks for pointing out the problem.

Yes, indeed in default_get_dispatchable_quantity() the last line was sparse. Fixed in repo.
While this hook is not used in main code, it can be used by extensions.

I don't know, the people's needs are so various... The reference field is editable, so you can change it according to your imagination, you can
for example want to use some reference from previously voided transaction, and mistake a mistake in number (the entered reference is already used). You should have last chance to edit it after clash again. You would not like to be forced to next reference unconditionally instead, and having to reedit it again.



(4 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I'm not sure what you have missed (maybe you have changed sides in Journal entry?), but it seems there is no bug here. I have just tested the scenario on demo.frontaccounting.com. Look here: there is Sales Invoice 234/2017 and identical Journal Entry 107/2017 entered today. Please generate tax report for 12/10/2017 and you will see both transactions are taxes exactly the same, with correct sign.

This mechanism should work as before. You can test it on our demo site. If it still odes not work on your installation, you will have to trace what specific is in your setup.


I don't think so. Now user can easily accept proposed next reference, or change it if he wish, at the low cost of one additional Ctrl-Enter keypress. In alternative scenario, changing once stored invoice is much more unhandy.

FA supports simple disassembling operations, but not such complex case.


{P} placeholder in reference template is replaced with current user's POS id, but I guess it is rather rarely used. Main reason is than there is no easy way to change the POS id, as this is internal record id assigned to POS definition when it is created.


This problem just have been fixed in our repo, the fix will be included in next release.


In response to another problem:

ichtus wrote:

the exchange rates seems doubled from the last transaction, we check in the table currency, values in the some dates is wrong get from google shown 0.0001, but we have correctly this to 0.000074954090619496, even in the pages https://domain/fa/gl/manage/exchange_rates.php? this always shown 0.0001.

there was exchange rate display bug indeed, which just has been fixed in our repo.


Those exchange variance postings are not any bug result, this is exactly how automatic currency accounts revaluation works.

When you make any foreign (i.e. not home) currency payment (or deposit), current money value on the related account is recalculated and the difference in value (due to changed exchange rate since recent currency operation) is posted. If you do not want this to be done automatically, you should set 'Automatic Revaluation Currency Accounts' option in your Company Setup to off.

Then you will have to make currency accounts revaluation manually when you need it, but those isolated automatic 'Exchange Variance' postings will not appear unexpectedly in your GL.



(11 replies, posted in Announcements)

Fixed 5th issue, 3th need further debugging.

This issue just have been fixed in repo.
Thanks for reporting the problem.


(16 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

The file cannot be included into sources in current form for a couple of reasons:

1. Some fields in database are not updated leaving it in inconsistent state:
sales_orders.debtor_no, sales_orders.branch_code
gl_trans.person_id - for some transaction where person_type_id is set to PT_CUSTOMER

2. For security reasons additional access to this feature should be restricted to users with special rights (company admin), so additional access level have to be defined in access_levels.inc and included in sql files. If the file is to be distributed as extension module, this can be defined in module.

3. Due to potentially disastrous effects, the warning displayed on the page is not enough. Additional confirmation step should be used before customer merging is done. this mechanism is used e.g. in Setup|Void Transaction page, and can be reused here.

4. The code should be at least roughly consistent with those used in the rest of application (e.g. using defined output helpers instead of raw html echo, or sanitizing sql with db_escape() function). These requirements have kept the code maintainable so far, and we want to continue this in near future.

Beside that, the feature looks interesting indeed, especially for novice users or in multi-salesman setup, where multiply customer records are not so rare.



(13 replies, posted in Reporting)

Oh, I have just realized there is an option 'Put alternative tax inlcude on docs' in Company Setup in FA 2.4.
Just set it on and re-login to the application, then you will have the required value on invoice.


(13 replies, posted in Reporting)

One more thing: I see that on 'price included' screenshot, the long tax description have pushed price much to the right side, which is a little misleading (the tax value lands near in same column as the rest of calculation, while it is not to be added here). I just have fixed it in repo.


(13 replies, posted in Reporting)

Whether your client is charged with taxes or not do not depend on pricelist type. You can use both  brutto (i.e.tax included) and netto  pricelists for any customer type. The only difference is how the price is presented on invoice, and the difference you have shown in the examples. Just for 'tax included' price list the tax is included in price, and not calculated above net price.

But if you really need to have net value stated in separate position on the invoice also for tax included pricelists, you will need to customize rep107.php file.


PS. The legal requirements about content of sales invoice depend on country, but I doubt you really want to issue invoice without tax even for company customer if you are in EU.  Generally the VAT tax have to be charged also on company unless your sales is delivered outside the country.

But if for some special reason you really do not want charge with tax some group of your customers, you have to define it in  Tax Groups setup for this customer group. This is described in wiki.
