nlwowen wrote:

Hi Elax,

Thanks for the reply,

Just for clarity and to document for others.

1) I do the credit note to effectively reverse out the original invoice against the gl line items  tax etc.

Yes, or credit the "item" if the invoice has been done via item. I strongly recommand to use an "item" if you can.

2) Raise a bank deposit against the receiving bank and 2100, by selecting supplier and select the supplier from list.


3) Go supplier credit note/payment allocations and allocate the credit note against the bank payment.

Have I got it right now ??


nlwowen wrote:

If i then get a refund direct into my bank, say some time later following week:
I use the Bank Deposits select the supplier and deposit the money from the supplier into the bank account, the
corresponding GL entry is against GL 2100

Right, depends how you do it. You can enter the deposit against the correct account with the correct amount, However it's probably "cleaner" if you enter a credit note. As well, your supplier should send you a credit note (in the same way that I should send you an invoice), otherwise, if the tax man ask, you have no evidence that you didn't need to pay for this service, and so you'll have to pay tax on it. If you have a credit note , then it make sense to enter in FA as a credit note.

In supplier credit note, you can either credit 'items' which have been invoice or enter GL entry manually, so it shouldn't be a problem.
The credit note will against GL 2100, so you'll have to enter a bank deposit against 2100.



(4 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

I don't think there is real new to write a "new app" as everything is FA is done by the backend anyway.
However, a mobile friendly ("responsive") theme would be welcome.


Delivery can only be made from one warehouse, which is a pain indeed.
At the moment you have 2 solutions, you can either

  1- transfer manually item from "storage" warehouse to "main" location,  (which what I guess you need to do physically ) and do one delivery from the main location.
  2 - do 3 delivery notes each from different warehouse and batch the invoice.

Option 2 is quicker but option 1 is cleaner (only 1 delivery note).

There is a real needs to be able to dispatch from different location (or eventually having sub-locations. Someone will probably do it at some point, just be patient ;-)



Next time don't agree on that and let each side paid its bill, that will save you (and your supplier/customer accountant) time ;-)

payments and invoices are different stuff, you need to enter both invoice properly $Y and $X. 

Now the problem is the payment. The easiest is to use the cash account for the difference.
In FA your customer is in fact a customer and a supplier let's call them : customer and supplier
you paid your supplier X-Y :
- record the corresponding payment (to the supplier). That's what you'll see on your bank statement.
then pretend the customer  (not the supplier) paid you cash. The invoice is still missing Y
- record customer paid Y cash
pretend you gave the money to your supplier
- record supplier receive Y. cash

That's it. You have 0 in cash (Y-Y). invoice Y has been paid (Y cash) and invoice X has been paid (X-Y bank and Y cash).


tester1 wrote:

@  elax  i am sing latest version of FA.. i think i dont need textcart , as above example link is ? i need

You'll probably need textcart, but not for this problem ;-)
To install textcart you should upload it to FA via the Setup/install extension page. This link is not mean to be 'installable'.


Maybe there is a bug there then.

joe wrote:

Voiding a Sales invoice automatically voids the delivery and sales order too.


In fact, it's a bit more complicated than that.

It deletes everything if the invoice was a direct invoice (ie the order and the delivery are 'Auto'), but only delete the invoice if it was a manual invoice.

bkoncomps wrote:

In this case it didn't. Maybe it was the fact that the invoice was a batched invoice? I ended up having to go in and manually void the delivery notes, and recreate all of them. Luckily it was only a few notes smile

The voiding acts a bit like an undo (which is what is expected), therefore you need indeed to void all the deliveries.

I don't think you would have been happy either if all the delivery have been voided if your point was only to cancel the invoice and maybe batch it in a different way.


Which version of FA and which version of textcart are you using ?

Anyway, textcart only deal with carts (ie invoices, delivery etc ) and won't do anything with customers, so it won't help you to delete customers.



(20 replies, posted in Reporting)

demille wrote:

As I can remember it was not a problem to enter 0 VAT, the problem was to get the totals of 0 VAT turnover for VAT-tax declaration.

Which is essentially the same problem. You couldn't get the total of 0-VAT because they were no ways to tell FA the net amount of 0-VAT transacation. Now that you can, you'll get the 0 VAT turnover just as any other VAT turnover (as long as ALL 0-VAT transaction have been entered properly).



(20 replies, posted in Reporting)


The current version 2.3.17 already includes some VAT improvement which should be enough to deall with EU VAT.
For example there is a new column in Journal Entry form allowing you to enter the amount of corresponding to a VAT account entry. This allow to enter 0-VAT.


Rascal wrote:


One of your final comments is very astute -  "something missing ...  trying to find something". I am bothered by the lack of a strong community.

Right, if you are already bothered by it even before having starting using it in production, that probably answer your question about using PB or not ...

You probably know PB too well to see new system are they but instead compare them to PB and maybe you should try to forget PB and evaluate alternative with new eyes (and take the time to play with it, don't try the demo, install it) (I know it's hard , I have the same problem with FA).

About FA  extensions, they are all downloadable  and installable from FA itself : Setup -> Instal/Activate Extension.
We probably ought to have a list in the Wiki but I don't know if it's done and up to date.

Now, I think it's probably the same with every open source project, you are at the mercy of the community. So if you are a (good) developer you are ok because you know that worth come to  the worth you can still fix a bug or extend it yourself, if you are not ,you'll have to take the software as is, .i.e if something doesn't exists but you need it, don't expect that the community will come and help you. The community (me the first) do only stuff it wants to do: because it needs it or because its fun to do.
They you can expect the community to come up time to time with goodies (that happened a couple of time  since I'm using FA).
Apparently you can also pay people to extend FA, but I never tried this approach ...


It seems your already made your choice, moreover I guess you realized that posting your question on a FA forum, people will probably like FA (or hate it but are stuck with it) and don't know much about PB, so there are not necessarily the best person to ask.

Personnaly I choosed FA because I needed something
- OpenSource so I can modify it when something is missing
- Multicurrency
- Stock management.
- It also is  super straight forward to use, I think at the time I chose iti, t was the only one I could grasp and use  in seconds. (My memory might be lying).

Now, I'm still using it because I'm stuck with it, but mainly because of some extensions
I wrote for it (which I don't want to rewrite if I migrate to another system).

Now some comment on your DIFF

Rascal wrote:

+ves to PhreeBooks
- the default transaction view is a 'one page layout'   ...    one transaction = 1 line (easy, informational view)

Not sure I understand

- OpenCart ($20) and ZenCart (FOC) connectors  ...   these are FULL integrations, not just order download. PB 'controls' the cart & listings.

I understand why it's appealing, however I did my own integration between FA and DrupalCommerce and I choose to NOT have a full integration between both because I want to be able to decouple them sometimes. Example An item might not be available neither in order but I don't wont to show it as sold out for different reason (
- it's in fact in order but I haven't had the time to enter the PO,
- I can create one from another one,
  - the stock level in FA is wrong saying it's sold out, but I know I have some left but don't have the time
to do a stock check etc ...
- easy to convert a SO to a PO - 'one click'
With my FA module 'texcart' is 4 clicks

- faster order entry (am I right)?

Totally disagree,  my FA module 'textcart' is the fastest way to enter an order (especially if you can touchtype).

- led by one man (primary dev = Dave Premo) with a vision (perhaps a +ve and a -ve)

Not very different from FA

+ves to Front Accounting
- more vibrant community and I assume more active deployments

Don't assume anything ;-) It's active but their are not many people working on it (they are really helpful and reactif though).

- nice (powerfiul) P&L and Balance Sheet visibility options

Doesn't PB have that ? Don't use it then ;-)

- nicer looking reports

I wouldn't say they look nice, but they exists.

- commercial interests providing and supporting commercial modules
- genuinely 'Open Source' in spirit
- ability to have categories in inventory and reports e.g. Ford Spares / Chrysler Spares / Fiat Spares etc etc

To be fair, I don't use Category in FA ... because I have thousands of items and the category system is not good enough. I use regexp at the moment. I'm planning to do this winter a Tag system.

You seem to know PB well have you already use ? If so does it has something missing so you are trying to find something else?
I couldn't recommend you FA or PB because I don't know what PB does but I know what FA doesn't but I also know its foundation are alright and I could implement myself what I miss.
Everybody have different needs to I guess the best for you is write a couple of standard scenario (stuff you do every day, and stuff you know that you definitely need) and see in both system how it works.


I have the same problem. It's just a display thing, and I think the correct amount is posted (the way to check it to commit the invoice and look at the GL trans view). However it's really annoying.


apmuthu wrote:

Will Quick Entries suffice or would it be better to turn off auto exchange rate acquisition for all or any specified currency?

How to you turn exchange rate acquisition off ?



(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

I tried a couple of time to use RepGen and even when it's configured probably I never managed to do something usefull with it.
I wouldn't spend much time with RepGen and will recommend a proper Business Intelligence solution, personnaly I use Pentaho which is free, works and probably easier to use than RepGen and allow the buiding of elaborate Dashboard. (I'm planning to do a some point a FA Dashboard widget to integrate Pentaho CDE ones).


For accounting practice it make sense to have the full invoice as one invoice. What you want to split is not the invoice but in fact the payment.

What you can to split an invoice is, raise a credit note of the same amount , but with a special item like pre-payment  or installment or something and allocate to the full invoice.
Then create the split invoices with this item again. It's a bit of faffing but it works if you don't have to many to do.



(8 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

I've just update Textcart to be in sync with FA 2.3.18, so at the moment the PKG is behing the GIT repo.



(4 replies, posted in Announcements)

Not sure if it's the appropriate thread but

People using Textcart NEED to update textcart if they do sales or po in foreign currency (when the new package is ready).


I've just done a new customer statement report. It basically ignore the allocations and display the statement similar to a bank one with a running balance.
It also display in red, PLEASE PAY NOW with the required amount.

Until it's package you can download it on github :

Here is the readme


FrontAccounting report displaying a customer statement in a 'bank statement' way, i.e. doesn't take allocation into account but display a running balance instead. It should be more straigh forward and easier for the customer to understand. The report is also split in two parts, overdue and coming soon.

The reports looks like:

Date    Transaction     #     Issued        Charges     Credit |  Balance       
2013/08/10  Invoice 10  2013/07/11  50.00                  |     -50.00
2013/08/23  Invoice 20  2013/07/24 100.00                  |    -150.00
2013/08/11  Payment 20                                       100.00  |     -50.00

Due Soon
2013/09/05  Invoice 20  2013/08/05  200.00                |   -200.00
                                                                      Total Balance |   -250.00

                                                                            *Overdue            |     50.00*


The report gives the statement for the current date. However, the starting point is not the start date parameter but the more recent date when the balance was null between the start and end date parameters. The idea is too only show the meaningful transactions which are basicall what's coming up ,what's been unpaid and everyting since the last unpaid or disagreement.

If you want the report from a certain date set the start and end date to this date. Then default value, beginning of fiscal year to now should be ok in most case, bringing forward last year balance and showing only the transaction folloiwing the first unpaid.
No allocation ?

This report doesn't take allocation into account. If you need an 'allocation' report use the standard FrontAcconting statement report. The problem with allocations is that if don't you allocate in the exact same way as your customer did and you disagree on some payments, it's hard to explain the difference to your customer. If I disagree on the balance with a customer, what I need to show him is the balance, whith all the transaction, period. With the standard report, if hide allocated transactions, then transactions are showing or not (depending how I allocated them) and then the customer starts arguing that he paid one which is showing, and when I reallocate payments according to his view, why some new transaction are appearing (the one I deallocated). If I send the full report, it starts from the beginning of time (there is no start date parameter) and as it doesn't display a running balance it's hard to spot when stuff went wrong.

Let's look at the example above, obvsiously payment 20 stands for invoice 20 (amount 100.0) and the customer has missed Invooice 10. However, if for some reason I allocated Payment 20 to Invoice 10 (50.00) and Invoice 20 (50.00). The normal statement will show

Invoice 20 100.00 allocated 50.00 oustanding 50.00

When I send the statment to the customer, the answer will be : I've paid Invoice 20, where is payment 20 ? If I send the full statement, I get pretty much the same answer. I've paid Invoice 20 why is there 50.00 oustanding ? (for those which look at the oustanding column).

So I reallocate Payment 20 to Invoice 10 and resend the statment

    Invoice 10 50.00 allocated 50.00 oustanding 50.00

The customer answer is, "Where does Invoice 10 come from ? It wasn't on the previous statement and I thought we agreed that Invoice 20 was fully paid with Payment 20, therefore we are sorted and I don't owe you anything. " With the "running balance" report such conversation should arrive anymore.

andrew1136 wrote:

Hi to Elax, the TextCart extension is working perfectly also.

Great :-) !


(8 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Everything is fine then ;-)

Basically. I don't use the hooks.php because I have a patched version of FA. The hook file is there do redirect some normal FA file to the textcart version. Janusz did it when he packaged Textcart. The git repo of Textcart is what I use to push stuff so Janusz can update the PKG from it. I would say the official version is the PKG one with hooks.php and is up to date. The Git version is not mean to be used as it, it's just a way of communication between me and Janusz



(8 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Actually, the git repo is ahead the PKG. I've removed hooks.php file for some reason.
The version is not up to date either but I think it's because I think's the version on the PKG is done automaticaly and doesn't depend on the actual version in the git repo.

So basically, the PKG hasn't been updated from the last GIT version.



(8 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

What do you mean (I'm the author of textcart)  ?

That the official package (the one you can download from FA) is behing the git repo or the opposite ?
