(5 replies, posted in Translations)

Newer version of translation (2.3.14) yesterday send in, thnx to Janusz this new version is now available in the repository. Update via the Setup/Languages screen available.


(7 replies, posted in Translations)

I will post here the words/sentences which are hardcoded and so unable to translate:

Screen backup:    "File uploaded to backup directory"

thnx it works for me!

I tried the same but no result.

ahmedtaufiq wrote:

I wish i could have a dislike button, to rate this post reply.

No offences to senior members, but you people should draft replies in such a way that they are crisp, clear and easy to understand.

I think you should be happy that there are members on this forum that react very quick on (your) question(s)......

checked the server error log, it says:

[Sat Jan 19 11:28:49 2013] [error] [client #IPADRES#] malformed header from script. Bad header=HTTP 1.1 303 See Other: index.php, referer: http://#WEBSITE#/index.php

no, i tried but it didn't fix the problem.

We are running an own webserver (controlled by Plesk software), so we are able to change any setting.

seems to be there's a relation with my "302 error problem". I sometimes experience the same 500 error as described above.



(2 replies, posted in Installation)

Do anybody have an idea to solve this problem? I don't think it is FA related, must be a server setting or something i think....

After logging in i receive a 302 error (Moved Temporarily):

Moved Temporarily
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.


When pressing F5/refresh the page, login continuous and the FA administration appears and is working correctly. It happens on different browsers and on different computers.

Please can somebody help me out with this?

Hi, just send by forum e-mail

In the direct invoice screen for a certain debtor a negative "current credit appears", but there are no outstanding payments. How can I reset this amount to zero?


Just send in to the contribution mailbox an updated Dutch COA. It contains the COA for a small/mid-size Dutch company, includion some predefined setting for example Tax rates, etc.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.

Joe / Apmuthu, thnx for your suggestions.

joe wrote:

Will the work into be sufficient?


Yes into, would be sufficient.

Maybe an idea for a next update:

When generating a trial balance/balance sheet drilldown/p&l drilldown, always a correct reporting period have to be entered. I think the most user will use a year or month period:

- 1 january 2012 - 31 december 2012
- or by example  1 december 2012 - 31 december 2012

If i generate a p&l drilldown it always start with the date of today minus 1 month. So generating today will result in the default setting for these reports of 3 december 2012 - 2 januari 2013.

Is it possible to add an option in the companies settings for:
- default reporting period by year
- or default reporting period by month (use current month or last month).


(2 replies, posted in Translations)

As already discussed in some other topics, the ISO 8859-1 character set doesn't support the EURO symbol. What is the best solution to deal with this problem? Migrate to another code set? How to handle with this?



(5 replies, posted in Translations)

Just have send the dutch translation of 2.3.13-1 to the contributions inbox. Added some minor changes in the translation files to use FA faster.

If you have any suggestions for a new update, please let me know.

First all the best wishes for 2013!

During optimalizing the Ducth language translation files I experienced some hard-coded problems... Is it possible to fix this problems in a new release?


The amount recieved decribed in words is hard-coded/written in English. No translation is possible (example Hundred and Ninety-Nine and 99/100).


The English word "to" is used at several places, by example in selecting dates (1 january 2012 TO 31 december 2012)  and in the bankdeposit entry screen (deposit TO bank XYZ). In both situations another dutch word is used ("tot" and "op" / "aan"). I now cannot give an individual translation for these cases, because the word "to" is linked to both situations in FA. Maybe is it possible to program a duplicate word "to" in the language file for the deposit screen, so it is possible to assign a different translation? I know in the language French and German this problem also must exists and could be solved by this solution.



(6 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

jan willem,

i have changed the tax rate and name of the 19% vat charge in the settings screen to 21%. Do this after all invoices etc per the period ending 30-9-2012 are finalized and booked in the correct period. After changing this tax rate all works fine (no automatically corrections in previous periods).


(9 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

hi farhaj
i'm interested in the theme, looks great! Please can you share it with us??


(9 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I always used the recurring invoice option. Since the update to 2.3.12 this function is not working properly (in multiple administrations the same problem).

When using the predefined template, FA roll-forwards the debtor selection and delivery details. But no article code/quantity and text in the remarks field.


(29 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

nice module!

How can i merge the translation file with the general FA translation file? I see in the asset register module a seperate translation file with 70 lines of translation is added.

In POedit i cannot enter these lines in the regular FA translation file (menu function update from pot will erease the regular lines).

To remove the drop down box and replace it with a text box:

1) in the files access\login.php :

remove the following line

echo "<tr><td>"._("Company")."</td><td><select name='company_login_name'>\n";

insert after the line   

password_row(_("Password:"), 'password', $password);

the following line:

text_row(_("Company"), "company_login_name", $value, 20, 30);

Now in the login screen you have to enter in the company textbox the number of the company as defined in the config_db.php file.

You can change the number in the config_db.php file in text, like ABC. But if you do so, remember to change also the corresponding folder name in the folder company.


(35 replies, posted in Translations)

I just have send an update Dutch translation file to the frontaccounting contributions e-mail. In this version (2.3.11) some mistakes are corrected and especially the translation of the user security roles page is now almost in line with the related translations in FA.

As soon as it is downloadable from the repository, please feel free to report any mistakes or ideas to make it a better translation!


(35 replies, posted in Translations)

Chipmunk wrote:

I have to add that the utf-8 conversion is based on the good work of Erwin de Bruin.

thanx for the credits, but I am not the only translator of the Dutch translation file. I'm only the last translator who tried to update the translation file to an


(35 replies, posted in Translations)

Currently busy changing the dutch language file 2.3.9 for 2.3.11 including correcting previous remarks as given in this topic. I am still not sure what to do with the translation of the word/menus "Branche".

Is Branche an collection of companies with the same kind of type/activities etcetera (as Rondewit said) or is it an division or separate store of a bigger company? In the last situation by example Microsoft (the client) has an division for developing windows (the branche) and a division for developing ms office (other branche). Or a shoe company (the client) own three different stores (the branches).

I think a branche is the last option, so it needs to be translated to "vestiging" in Dutch. Or has anybody another idea?