Topic: 500 Error After Logging In (After Upgrade to 2.3.14)

I just finished updating to version 2.3.14 and now when I login I get a 500 error:

500 Internal Server Error

The page cannot be displayed.

When I refresh the page (which requires resending the data), FA loads correctly and everything seems to be working.  I followed the instructions on the Wiki to the letter.  The only change to config.php was the addition of the default_orientation variable.  I also added a bcc_address to the company setup.  Other than that, everything is as it was before.

Any idea how to get rid of this error message?




P.S.  The upgrade looks pretty good!  I particularly like the new functionality to select the report orientation.... very nice!

Re: 500 Error After Logging In (After Upgrade to 2.3.14)

Which version are you upgrading from?
What platform / hosting service is being used?

There is a cache issue introduced in v2.3.14 when adjusting the includes/ for faillog protection (not because of faillog protection) and is a known issue for certain shared hosting that relies on numerous redirects (302 error).

Refer link for causes.

Re: 500 Error After Logging In (After Upgrade to 2.3.14)

apmuthu wrote:

Which version are you upgrading from?


apmuthu wrote:

What platform / hosting service is being used?

My site is hosted by HostPapa.  Here's some info on their setup:

Operating system     linux
Architecture     x86_64
Kernel version     2.6.32-379.9.1.lve1.
Apache version     2.2.23
PHP version     5.3.20
MySQL version     5.5.28-cll
Perl version     5.10.1

Btw, I have the following in my includes/ file in case it's useful:

// ini_set('session.save_path', dirname(__FILE__).'/../tmp/');

ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 36000); // 10hrs
ini_set('session.cache_limiter', 'nocache'); // prevent 'page expired' errors

$Session_manager = new SessionManager();

// this is to fix the "back-do-you-want-to-refresh" issue - thanx PHPFreaks
header("Cache-control: nocache");
apmuthu wrote:

There is a cache issue introduced in v2.3.14 when adjusting the includes/ for faillog protection (not because of faillog protection) and is a known issue for certain shared hosting that relies on numerous redirects (302 error).

Refer link for causes.

Hopefully the info provided above will help someone track down the problem and fix it.  In the meantime, it's no big deal...  I'll just keep refreshing the page when I login.



Re: 500 Error After Logging In (After Upgrade to 2.3.14)

seems to be there's a relation with my "302 error problem". I sometimes experience the same 500 error as described above.

Re: 500 Error After Logging In (After Upgrade to 2.3.14)

erwindebruin wrote:

seems to be there's a relation with my "302 error problem". I sometimes experience the same 500 error as described above.

Did you try the fix to includes/ that was suggested?  If so, did it fix the problem?




Re: 500 Error After Logging In (After Upgrade to 2.3.14)

no, i tried but it didn't fix the problem.

We are running an own webserver (controlled by Plesk software), so we are able to change any setting.

Re: 500 Error After Logging In (After Upgrade to 2.3.14)

checked the server error log, it says:

[Sat Jan 19 11:28:49 2013] [error] [client #IPADRES#] malformed header from script. Bad header=HTTP 1.1 303 See Other: index.php, referer: http://#WEBSITE#/index.php

Re: 500 Error After Logging In (After Upgrade to 2.3.14)

In case it will help, I did a screenshot of the page info in Firefox for one of the instances when the login bombed with a 500 error.  Since I can't upload it here, it is available for viewing here.  As well, a search of the logs for my site found the following line: - - [19/Jan/2013:12:23:46 -0500] "POST /accounting/ HTTP/1.1" 500 568 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/17.0"

Hope that is helpful to someone...



Re: 500 Error After Logging In (After Upgrade to 2.3.14)

I am having the same issue with a fresh install...

Any solution to this yet?

Re: 500 Error After Logging In (After Upgrade to 2.3.14)

Please try to change line 362 in /includes/ from:

header("Cache-control: private");


header("Cache-control: no-cache");

and see if it helps.


Re: 500 Error After Logging In (After Upgrade to 2.3.14)

Tried resetting cache control to 'private, no-cache' and 'no-cache' with no change.

It should be noted that refreshing the page gains access, so I'm getting logged in, just not getting to the page on submission of the login form.

Re: 500 Error After Logging In (After Upgrade to 2.3.14)

joe wrote:

Please try to change line 362 in /includes/ from:

header("Cache-control: private");


header("Cache-control: no-cache");

and see if it helps.


Did that.  No change.  sad  I still get the 500 error but when I refresh the page I get in.



Re: 500 Error After Logging In (After Upgrade to 2.3.14)

I tried the same but no result.

Re: 500 Error After Logging In (After Upgrade to 2.3.14)

Please replace your existing /includes/ with this one from the newly updated HG repository.

It removed the error for me on a specific server.


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Re: 500 Error After Logging In (After Upgrade to 2.3.14)

thnx it works for me!

Re: 500 Error After Logging In (After Upgrade to 2.3.14)

That fixed it here, too.  Thanks!



Re: 500 Error After Logging In (After Upgrade to 2.3.14)

Thank you!

18 (edited by apmuthu 01/27/2013 12:51:17 pm)

Re: 500 Error After Logging In (After Upgrade to 2.3.14)

Great Janusz. Your HG Changesets 3155 and 3157 did the job.