Maybe this might help

I believe this is an excellent extension. This will definitely  add value to the great work done by FA developers. Keep up the good work.

You are running a very old release of FA. There are 12 releases newer than 2.4.1 (2.4.13). Many bugs were fixed and some more functionality is added. I recommend to upgrade your FA to the latest. You might have a PHP compatibility problem which is only addressed by new releases.


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

Did you mean Payment Terms?
Setup->Payment Terms
Click on bottom lift -> Show Also Inactive
Check the term you want to inactivate.


This is a very simple thing that should work immediate if all your setup is correct. Mainly utf-8 for English in and the default font dejavu  mentioned in and that the font files are in /reporting/fonts. Thats all. Unless you have /reporting directory somewhere in /company/x that is overriding your changes. So please review your installation.

You need to change the English encoding to utf-8

Can you list here the contents of your /lang/

Also make sure that

                    default :          $fontname = "dejavu";         break;

is specified as the default font around line 162.

Make sure that the language encoding is utf-8 then go:
Download and install dejavu font as described in the instructions.

Also on the same page take a look at the Font Utility Package if you want to use your own fonts.


(8 replies, posted in Reporting)

@msuhail197 please  use on thread for your  same query .

Are the access  setup for the user correct ? Check  them out. Of course  your fa version  is ancient .

True. this is old. In comment as below

// footer generic content
    // if (@$this->formData['bank_name'])
    //    $Footer[] = _("Bank"). ": ".$this->formData['bank_name']. ", " . _("Bank Account") . ": " . $this->formData['bank_account_number'];

This will suppress  all bank details in all documents . If this what u want.

This will help you:


(11 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Did kvvaradha provided a solution to your problem?. If so please update. Thanks to @kvvaradha for his contribution. I would like to remind all users who report  problems thru the forum to please update the status of the suggestions given by other community member . This will benefit the whole community.


(11 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

sorry @stig I was not able to reproduce your error. Can you explain exactly how you are doing it? I understand it might be trivial but it should be helpful to understand, Also Language u use??


(11 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Your OK with environment I just missed to as ask you your mysql version. Please mention that. Meanwhile you need to enable debugging for analysis. You need to edit ...config.php to the following and revert back to what it was before after trying to add a supplier again. Also list what the errors.log has after the change:

    $go_debug         = 1;    // set to 1 for basic debugging, or 2 to see also backtrace after failure.


(11 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

State your environment please. FA , OS PHP and APACHE.


(11 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Anything in the error log .../tmp/errors.log ?


(4 replies, posted in Setup)

I understand now. The only way to do it is by manually entering the Deliver To Name and Address on the Quotation screen in your case. Also the Payment type should not be CASH.


(4 replies, posted in Setup)

Did you try Customer  Branches ?

Can you please describe in more details what you exactly want to achieve with Chinese language. ? Give example.
Please describe your operating environment ( OS, Web server, db PHP ..etc).


Post  #30 in is working for me.


(1 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Many solutions within the forum. You can choose what best suits you.


(5 replies, posted in Reporting)

You can try to set the timezone as per kvvaradah

It works for me.

Fair enough.. I thought the best way is to illustrate it. I use the invoice document as an example.
See the attached file.