If you only have 22 tax rates for Florida, you might not be collecting all the sales tax that is required. Florida, like Colorado, is a destination-based state. I am not certain what the Florida requirements are, but this usually means that, for orders placed via the internet/mail by a customer within Florida from a Florida vendor, the vendor must collect a sales tax rate applicable at the buyer's address (including any applicable local sales taxes).
Before 2019, Colorado vendors selling within Colorado usually needed to charge 2.9% for any sale outside the physical location. This was very easy. After 2019, there are now 733 local tax districts to deal with. FA and OSC do not natively support tax by destination address and county/city/zip code are insufficient to determine the applicable tax rate.
You are right that the small business is usually exempt from these new out-of-state rules. Thus you can sell into Colorado without having to follow its in-state rules.
If I have 22 tax rates in osc and FA and like I said above I update them every year as I get noticed from DOR, why would you think I am doing it wrong?
I collect and pay at the tax rate of the delivery location of each Florida order, I have done so for almost 20 years.