1 (edited by tom 04/16/2019 01:29:53 am)

Topic: Voided Inventory Adjustment appears in Item Movements

I have an Inventory Adjustment that was voided but it appears in the detailed item movements

The item was added and voided on FA 2.3.16 and I am now using 2.4.6

If I click the transaction reference number it tells me it was voided...

But I should not be seeing it!

It is also messing up the total On Hand counts

Some date ranges are ok, others are bad

Also Item Status is wrong...

The type is 17 and I have 3 of these voided item movements, id 20, 91 and 97
The other two do not show up in the detailed item movements

How do I look at these transactions?

What table do these types/ids refer to?



Ok it looks like stock_moves is the table..

When a transaction is voided is the entry removed from stock_moves?
I saw one entry (20 from long ago) where the Quantity was set to 0


Re: Voided Inventory Adjustment appears in Item Movements

So it appears that voiding a transaction does remove the record totally from the stock_moves table.

So THAT is the problem with my DB, I will delete that record and all should be well.

Been using FA for over 9 years and this is the first db issue I have had
