You have improperly installed asset egister extension. I do not know rea  for this, but you can reset installation running modules/asset_register/sql/update.sql file via phpmyadmin.

You can change type of cash account to bank account and revert it when the reubild is done. This can be done only via direct manipulation on bank_accounts.bank_type field using phpmyadmin (FA block the account type change just to avoid negative balance problems).


(6 replies, posted in Installation)

Thank you for sharing your experience smile.


(2 replies, posted in Installation)

Good point. SSL is a must if you seriously think about security.


(7 replies, posted in Setup)

The links are displayed but do nothing The new screen is never opened.

What you mean? The page request never ends, or the page displayed is empty, or.. ?
All the options use network connection to FA package repository, so if you try to use them without internet connection you can encounter problems.

Well, I guess you would like to define Quick Entry for payroll payments, and probably new payment type is not obligatory.


(1 replies, posted in Installation)

If the backup was performed via builtin FA backup utility, you can simply upload the file  on new installation and restore database from this uploaded file.


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Glen, thank you for all your investigation effort.

Following problems has been fixed in hg repo, and will be released with next version:
* Hangouts on php installations with zlib module on (after the change FA can be used regardless the zlib module is used or not).
* Automatic removal of old session files has been added.
* All the smaller issues which resulted in warnings written to  errors.log during installation has been fixed.

No change is required for the following non-issues:
* hyperlink_no_params() does not use session data, and the code does work right, so it is leaved as is.
* session.save_path is leaved commented out as so far. If session files are created in application directory - means  you have dumb configuration on your server. Properly set www server writes session files to /var/lib/php5 folder  or something like that.
* login timeout have nothing to do with session.gc_maxlifetime. The login timeout is configured in Company Settings, and can be set to any value form 10s to just 10hours. It is up to end user to decide which value is optimal, and I see no reason to put additional constraints here.
* Regarding the array_search_value() function it is also leaved as is i.e. without additional arguments checks. The logging system in FA is designed to register any suspicious warnings into errors.log, to help analyse potential problems. As the warnings during install process were only one time issue, we have ignored them so far. Thanks to your investigation they are now fixed.

Thanks again for your help in debugging FA.


(6 replies, posted in Installation)

I see the the problem is in install/stylesheet.css which declare nonexisting image as a body background. Please delete line related to it form css file (this is line 8), and try again.
NB If this is the source of problems this should be considered as browser issue: errors in css stylesheet should not block normal page usage. Will be fixed in next FA minor relase., Thanks.



(6 replies, posted in Installation)

Strange. I have no contact with iMac platform, but so far nobody claimed about any problems related specifically to iMac.
Can anybody else on the forum help thettestguy?


(3 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

We do not use any unit testing so far, I'm affraid. In fact all new functionalities are tested by hand, and later in live installations. In fact testing suit is 'must have' for such type of application like FA, and having it would also make development faster and more error prone. The main problem here is lack of free resources to start this subproject - this is quite big piece of code to be done from scratch.
Do you have any ideas you would like to share with us on this subject?


(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

I guess you could base your work on purchase order rather than sales order. po_items_entry.php file is good start point.. Long time ago it was used only for (surprise wink ) purchase order entry, now it supports also PO modification, Direct GRN and Direct Invoice. I think you can extend irt even more implementing purchase quotation as parent transaction o purchase order.


(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

The default layout should be as simple as possible to support any browser, but I see no reason you can't implement new theme based on frames smile.


(4 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Well, you can just switch searching for customers off  in company preferences.

Oh, I see the problem now. The false error is raised when there is no work order in a system smile. I will fix this  misleading message in next minor release. Thanks for pointing this out.

Everything is possible, if you know php and what you want. What new feature would you like to see here?


(4 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

No. Look into includes/ file. HEre you will find submit_on_change parameter in some ui helpers - those are optionally activated on content change. But this should not be big problem for you to implement such field, if you need it  in your code smile.


(1 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

This is explained directly in GPL license terms. In short words: modified  GPL-ed software have to be distributed on GPL license.

No idea. Seems you have invalid record with id '0' in your workorders table.

Good idea. We will add links to payment page in Customer/Supplier Allocation Inquiry.


(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

If you have defined mailing address in customer branch record - this one is used for delivery. Otherwise if you have defined branch billing address it is used fro delivery. The address in customer record is used as last resort if the two above are not defined. Contacts contains personal data for given customer/branch, and are not used for delivery.

The price change is blocked at sales invoicing step. FrontAccounting presume the details entered  during customer order receival are obligatory,  so the price cannot be changed once the goods are sent.


(1 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

No, email log is not implemented in FA.


(10 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Taxes in FA are calculated depending on item tax group selected for given item. So in your case you have to define two item tax groups: VAT 20% and VAT 0% (exempt), and select them for bar and water  definitions respectively in Items catalogue. Then on every purchase/sales the right VAT records will be inserted in VAT register.


(4 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

No, there is no special helper for input updates, but you can still react to input field changes if you use $submit_on_change parameter in e.g. text_row() helper. For example, if you have text input named 'sample', you have to observe $_POST['_sample_changed'] in page request, which is send after the input field value change.