Topic: Issues with database connection

Hello - I started my installation and made it past the first screen with all the permissions set.  The 2nd screen is where I am having the issue.  I have mysql and have created a schema in the sql workbench of frontacc.  I enter in the information necessary and it says that I cannot  access the data base.  Either the username or password are invalid or I cannot create the database.  Everything seems to be set correctly in mysql.  I actually feel pretty stupid even asking this question because it should be a no-brainer.  Please go easy:)

Re: Issues with database connection

To add some additional data this is on a iMac.  I have another database on this system that works fine with the application that connects to it.  The Mac is setup with lion server.

Re: Issues with database connection

Strange. I have no contact with iMac platform, but so far nobody claimed about any problems related specifically to iMac.
Can anybody else on the forum help thettestguy?

Re: Issues with database connection

From my web server error log I am getting the following:

[Tue Sep 27 21:50:37 2011] [error] [client ::1] File does not exist: /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default/Front/admin/interface, referer: http://imac.local/Front/install/index.php

Re: Issues with database connection

I see the the problem is in install/stylesheet.css which declare nonexisting image as a body background. Please delete line related to it form css file (this is line 8), and try again.
NB If this is the source of problems this should be considered as browser issue: errors in css stylesheet should not block normal page usage. Will be fixed in next FA minor relase., Thanks.


Re: Issues with database connection

Itronics - you can close this thread.  I found a reference to the php.ini file having a problem with connecting to the database and the solution is to change the default_socket setting to point to where the mysql.sock is located.  Happens to be that on a Mac it is in /Tmp.  Go figure.  I changed the file, restarted sharing and bingo, everything works!

Re: Issues with database connection

Thank you for sharing your experience smile.