(10 replies, posted in Development)

My point 3 in post #4 is not so easy as I thought. We are in a catch 22 situation. The theme is user based and the user is first picked up after the login box. So we have to stay with the login box in the default theme.

I thought about a config.php variable to solve the problem, but I would avoid this.

If any of you have a more intelligent solution, please tell me.

After discussion with users, I think we should keep the existing core themes and incorporate all the new themes in the Themes repo for both 2.4 and 2.5. At present there are no differences in the themes operations.



(3 replies, posted in Announcements)


This is a 2.4.7 release, which is mainly bugfix release, but also contains a couple of improvements (see below for details).

Please report any bugs/problems found via our Mantis Bugtracker at http://mantis.frontaccounting.com.

Download instructions

In Sourceforge FrontAccounting (https:/sourceforge.net/projects/frontaccounting), select
Files -> FrontAccounting 2.4 ->2.4.7.

For Windows users select the zip file. For all other users select the tar.gz file.


  • Date Picker closed when clicked outside of the datepicker. Fixed by @kvvaradha and @apmuthu.

  • Password reset mail could take several hours. After fix only a couple of seconds. Using From: email in header.

  • Activated strict SQL mode, minor SQL injection fix, fixed _vl() debug helper.

  • Fixed get_post() support for numeric fields.

  • Fixed typo in combo_input().

  • Relaxed sql_mode set on database initialization to provide backward compatibility during backup restoration.

  • Fixed users Last Visit Date with Time.

  • Bug 4847: FA allows reconciliation of closed transactions. Fixed.

  • PHP 7.X produces 'A non-numeric value encountered' warning in date_functions.inc when using date format 5 (YYYY/MM/D). Fixed.

  • User_list_cells Real name shows empty when not entered in user table. Fixed.


  • Fixed allocation date for customer payments entry, additional fixes for strict sql mode.

  • Bugs in sales_db.inc and sales_order_ui.inc fixed.

  • Customer balance Report rep101.php has one extra parameter, fixed.

  • Bug 4859: The Outstanding in Customer Balance is Not Ok with Journal Entry. Fixed.

  • Fixed presentation bug in Sales Order View when reference is 'auto'.

  • Fixed bug in Sales Invoice and Sales Delivery when Cash Sales and document date is earlier then today's date. Due date should be the same.

  • Recurrent Invoices in 2.4 were not send. Fixed.

  • Fixed Email Receipt to customer.

  • Bug 4896: Standard Cost is not Updated in debtor_trans_detail table if Customer Credit Note is processed. Fixed.


  • Supplier Transaction Inquiry for GRN did not filter by date. Fixed.

  • No edit in supplier invoice quick entry fixed.

  • Bug 4867: Supplier quick entry g/l account list should show the bank accounts in the line.

  • Bug 4863: Dimension not defaulted on PO entry and edition. Fixed.

  • Bugfix in Customer and Supplier Trial Balance Report, margin fixed.

  • Wrong Presentation of supp balance in forms. Fixed.

  • Fixed Supplier Allocation Inquiry - Due Date.

Items and Inventory

  • Items_cart class logical bug fixed.

  • Anomaly created by Cost Update in Inventory Sales Report (rep304). Updated bugfix.

  • Fixed Inventory Purchasing Report with physical rate from line.


  • Bug 4869: Work order listing and print work orders reports should omit voided orders. Fixed.

Fixed Assets

  • Process Depreciation: hardcoded fiscal years constraint removed.


  • Placeholders Not Allowed for Dimensions fixed.

Bank and General Ledger

  • Optimized function get_trans_tax_details().

  • New transaction reference formats {FF}/{FFFF} for fiscal years starting on other day than January 1st.

  • Bug 4817: g/l account inquiry can timeout due to slow sql.

  • Quick Entries: fixed false warning.

  • Updated en_US-demo to contain 2018 and a couple of transactions in 2019.

  • Redesign of the 2 core COAs. They are similar now except the demo data in the demo variant.

  • Removed CCA, (currencyconverterapi.com) is no longer working. Updated url from google api.

  • Sometimes when amount tax details was zero and net amount was set an empty gl transaction was made for Sales Invoice. Fixed.

  • General Leger - List of journal entries - change in memo fields.

  • Fixed inventory cost calculation for fiscal year deletion.


Please try again. For some reason you were not upgraded internally as Senior Member. Even if it was shown.



Slightly update of add_stock_adjustment_item by @itronics. Committed to stable repo. Only keeping the parameter names.



(27 replies, posted in Setup)


During a meeting between Janusz (@itronics) and I this last weekend we decided that Janusz should look into this. He already has done a test module. More to come in a while.



(10 replies, posted in Development)

Our meeting 14.06.2019 - 16.06.2019 Janusz (@itronics) / Joe.

We (Janusz and Joe) had a constructive meeting and went through many topics both for 2.4 and 2.5.
The 2.4 things were mostly bugs. The 2.5 stuff follows:

1. HRM module in the core. We are looking at the solutions from @notrinos and @kvvaradha (extendedHRM). Both has Pros and Cons.
May I ask these developers about what kind of License you have on these modules?

2. Interactive Dashboard developed by @notrinos. License? By Interactive I mean: Is is ok to implement dynamic periods and option for different graph types in the graphs (Would be cool)?

3. Modern Default Theme. I will make a poll in this forum about which themes should be in the core and whish should go to the themes repo. The current Default theme could eventually be named Classic.
[del]Also make it possible to take over the login boxes etc. by a local login.inc. Example will be available during the 2.5 development.[/del]

4. Making Tax Digital VAT in UK and EEC. Adding som more fields in the Tax Groups to better handle future templates for tax reporting.

5. Out of stock Problem in Multi User Environment. In the Multi User Environment a stock item can be zero if there are many users operating on the same stocks. This may be a problem when delivering ordered stocks.
This should be handled by either a Cycling check through the line items and check for stock just before saving. If some of the stocks are zero or below,  the delivery should not be allowed. You can try again with less stock or dropping the row, and try to save again.  
Another option is to create a reserved field, but this solution may also be a problem. Maybe a Company Setup to implement the recycling check. More discussions are welcome.

These were the main topics discussed on our meeting.



I have tested your changes in /inventory/includes/db/items_adjust_db.inc, /reporting/rep301.php and /reporting/rep308.php.
And the test passed ok.
These changes has been committed to stable repo.
Do you have more files to change, @boxygen, because we plan to ship a minor release 2.4.7 next week?
Major changes will wait to the upcoming release 2.5 unstable that also are about to ship.



I think I can follow you now. I will just test this tomorrow to ensure that it is right. If the reports take the domestic price from the underlying ex_rate values in the grn and sub credit transaction lines.



Should we change back to the former functions, get_domestic_price, in rep301 and rep308, but wich these changed rows?
And post #8 should be changed? and the wrongly calculated domestic price?


@braath Waate.

This seems to be a good change so this has been changed in stable repo.



This has been fixed and pushed to stable repo. Thanks for helping with this.


Yes, maybe a good idea.


This has been fixed and committed to stable repo.

Thanks @poncho1234.


This has now been fixed. Committed to stable repo.

The fixed two files can be downloaded here and here.


Ah, now I understand what you mean. It is the presentation of the Suppliers Balance that is wrong when entering a Suppplier Invoice.

The Supplier Balance reports are ok.

I will check the algorithm for calculating the suppleir balance in the Supplier Inovice form.



I cannot reproduce this on my fresh copy of FA.

Please download the snapshot from our master repo here:

https://sourceforge.net/p/frontaccounting/git/ci/master/tree/ [^]

The error you are reporting has been fixed during this 2.4.5 or 6 period.

Please try if you can reproduce the error in the above snapshot.

I hope so. We will ship a new minor release asap.


We are monitoring this. Please help me with a solution, if you can?


I have a meeting with Janusz medio June.  We will, among other thngs, discuss this topic too.


Of course, but please help me finding where to fix this.



(11 replies, posted in Reporting)

This is fixed and some margin problems in Customer Trial Balance Report fixed too.

Thanks @boxygen for seeing this.

Fixed files can be downloaded here and here.



(10 replies, posted in Development)

Janusz (@itronics) and I are having a meeting medio June. We will then decide which items will be incorporated in release 2.5.

Please give your opinions so we don't forget anything that should be included 2.5. I will then put it into to point in the first post.


Janusz had already made an option for watermark and header includes in the fpdf class inside reporting/includes/class.pdf.inc.

It was a long time ago, but never documented.

I will try to contact him to explain.


The themes flatcolor, flatcolor2 will be available in a while at the repo. You can continue to test them and default2 at
url: frontaccounting.com/fa24test
user: testing
pass: password

The testing user is only having Inquiries allowance. That is the reason that the Sales Quotes are unavailable.



(10 replies, posted in Development)

Hello all active/passive Developers.

I am going to initiate the upcoming implementation of 2.5. Please tell me if I have forgotton anyting or things you think should be considered.

I will put this in the 'Code' section below as we agree on it.

1. HRM module in the core. I wil check with Janusz. If he is out of time, maybe @notrinos can take over this.
2. Interactive DashBoard. Initiative by @notrinos. Changing part of the core to make it work smoothly. @notrinos can fix this.
3. More modern default theme, but still keeping the existing. Add option for own login box etc. @joe is looking into that.
4. Approval System for GL Postings. https://frontaccounting.com/punbb/viewtopic.php?pid=36415#p36415
5. Some kind of Landed Costs when entering Supplier Invoice.
6. Bank Account. Fields for sort-code/ABA/Region, IBAN, Swift/BIC code.
99. More options to come here as they are agreed.


I guess this forum is the best place to discuss improvements, but it is better if there are more users interesting in the improvements before implementing.
