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itronics wrote:Seems you have truncated file. It is 508 lines long, so obviously $end is not on line 372
Thanks Janusz,
It seems the fil was somehow corrupted during the transfer to the server. The copy on my desktop was fine but the server copy was truncated :-(
I have upgraded files and altered my config.php as required but when I try to log on I get:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /var/www/accounts/includes/ on line 372
I can't see anything obviously wrong with the file so is it coming from somewhere else?
Thanks Joe,
I was printing from another location which doesn't have those options. Problem solved.
Is 2.2 ready for production use yet?
joe wrote:Yes, in Banking and General Ledger, Bank Accounts, you can set the default currency account for each currencies you use.
Thanks Joe. I am using 2.1.5 but there doesn't seem to be a setting in the menu to define a default account for a particular currency.
I am looking in Banking and General Ledger>Bank Accounts Nothing there says default.
There are 7 Items to complete: Bank Account Name: Account Type: Bank Account Currency: Bank Account GL Code: Bank Name: Bank Account Number: Bank Address:
Which of these affects the default?
I'm having problems getting my correct bank account details printed at the bottom of an invoice. I have two bank accounts and it insists on printing the details of the one I don't wish to be displayed. Is there a setting somewhere which sets the default account to be used for display at the bottom of invoices?
itronics wrote:Setup module (which maybe should be named administration?) ....
Administration seems a more conventional term for that Tab.
Further to Pete's post on a Template:
I think I would add a heading for Further Information. This could provide Links to more technical or associated data which may be stored in other locations such as the 'conceptual stuff in the online web-based wiki'.
Thus we would have:
How to Use:
Extra Notes:
Further Information:
itronics wrote:There is only one reason: we have no wiki content since the wiki module was created, and so far we have no established method to collect job done by volunteers. When we will have less or more complete wiki content we can include it as integral part of core distribution. But adding wiki without ready content can rather discourage new users, than help them.
Then that gives us four issues to address:
Layout: Decide on a template and conventions for wiki information
Collection: Come up with a method for submission and refinement of information before it is inserted into the official documentation.
Data: Encourage users and developers to submit information.
Translation: Get translation of the information developed.
It would seem to me that:
Layout can be decided through input from as many people as possible on this forum, developers and moderators.
Collection (including means of making submissions available for refinement by the community) is an issue for webmaster/developers
Data needs to come from the whole community - participation of all is essential.
Translation would be an ongoing issue for those with the skills needed.
A big task but one which I believe is essential for the ongoing success of Frontaccounting. Documentation is a major issue I believe.
Can anyone refine this/ make other suggestions/come up with suggestions to maximise participation?
Hi coooolers,
coooolers wrote:What different routes one can take to integrate FA with vTiger?
a. Using Web Services
b. Seamless integration at the code level.
c. Any other ...
a. Vtiger provides web services and REST APIs I believe - I don't think Frontaccounting does yet.
b. I have no idea if this could happen
c. Maybe the new Extension Manager (see sticky topic) can be used?
Can someone integrate it at the code level i.e. taking the appropriate portions of vTiger code and place it in the FA. I believe there are 2 issues relating to this approach:
a. The vTiger code base is too huge to handle.
b. FA is GPL based and vTiger is MPL based and one cannot combine the MPLed code with the GPLed code according to the rules stated in the GPL. I may be wrong b'coz I don't know much about the licensing conditions?
I wasn't aware of the licence problem - what about the other way around - combine the GPLed code with the MPLed code - does which way this is viewed make any difference?
One big hurdle is that both products provide the same functionality in some areas - invoices,quotes,stock control/inventory. Choices would have to be made here. Because this is so tied up with the accounting detail it would probably be better to run with the Frontaccounting solution for these?
joe wrote:In 2.1.X you should also select the correct bank account in the selection boxes before print out.
In 2.2 Beta this is done automatically by default currency.
If I go to Setup> View or Print Transactions>Sales Invoice and choose the Print icon for my selected invoice, there are no boxes :-(
Hmm - later
I just found that if I go to Sales>Customer and Sales Reports>Print Invoices/Credit Notes the box is there and it does work. Very confusing that printing is in two different places. Perhaps there is a reason for 'View or Print Transactions' being under the 'Setup' tab? It doesn't seem logical to me, but then I am permanently confused ;-)
p2409 wrote:Either way, it's going to be the content that is important, but before the content, it would be good to agree on a STRUCTURE, especially of the pmwiki that is embedded in the system. What do people think? Structure here means a 'template' layout that all wiki items would adhere too.
Yes, couldn't agree more - structure and conventions eg menu path notation- Sales>Customer and Sales Reports>Price Lists
I'm happy to kick off an write an article for the wiki: first of all though, what are people's thoughts on the most valuable, 'chunkable' FA topic. Preferably one that a) confuses people, b) is important, c) gets used a lot and d) has not much or no info available presently? My first port of call might be describing the differences in the methods for handling sales ie. do a Sales Order, then a Delivery, then an Invoice vs. just doing all three in one hit as a direct invoice. This was confusing for me when I started using FA, but makes sense now.
That sounds great to me - I'm still confused :-)
Someone who is very familiar with recurring queries on the forum would no doubt be able to come up with a series of topics. Then perhaps other forum users could take on one of these and produce a page outlining the solution/solutions presented there. If every forum user took on one topic (hopeful I know) there would soon be a body of entries to get things going.
PS. To use the pmwiki successfully on a PHP version > 5.3 and get rid of all the deprecated error messages that prevent you from seeing the screen, you will probably want to change line 20 in /modules/wiki/pmwiki.php from:
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_DEPRECATED);
ie. report ALL errors EXCEPT Notices EXCEPT Deprecated
This information should be in a Wiki - maybe we could start one ;-)
Is there any reason that the Help Wiki couldn't be included as a permanent module in each upgrade rather than an addon as it is now? That way all the latest submitted Help information would be included - and even some new /changed information as a result of altered processes. There should also be a process for easily updating the Help information on a regular basis - or maybe that is already in place?
I am still having a problem with this.
I seem to have the bank account details set up correctly as follows in 'Banking and General Ledger'> 'Bank Accounts'. :
Account Name Type Currency GL Account Bank Number Bank Address
My Account Chequing Account AUD 1700 Bank Account ANZ BSB: 111111 Acct No: 99999999 Bank Address
and yet at the bottom of the Invoice PDF I get:
Bank: , Bank Account:
How do I get the Invoice to show the Bank, Account Name and Account Number?
Perhaps the PMwiki would be suitable for both purposes - making sharing of data , and thus timesaving, an option
I have loaded the Wiki Module on my test server. It uses PMwiki which seems to be a pretty good choice:
As that is already set up for Frontaccounting it might be the sensible way to go rather that reinventing the wheel?
No experience myself with wiki at this stage but will have a look around. It would be great to have one available to the community I would think.
Anyone else with any thoughts?
Has any thought been given to the implementation of Wiki to provide the opportunity for regular users to develop an up-to-date reference for Front Accounting?
One of my frustrations is the lack of documentation. I recognise that the developers don't have the time to keep this up to date, but with the implementation of a Wiki all the great hints written in the forum could be transferred by the Topic instigators on to the Wiki to develop an easy reference manual. Users could also add their own info gained through their experience. Searching the forum for solutions is often difficult.
Or maybe this has already been tried or someone has a better alternative?
Hmm - I have those filled out correctly but they aren't being used. Is there somewhere that I have to mark the account as default or something?
One more query.
When I print an invoice the bank details for payment should be printed at the bottom. However, all I get is:
Bank: , Bank Account:
Where do I enter these details?
OK - thanks. Don't make a mistake - stuck with it forever :-)
When a transaction is voided it still shows eg a voided sales invoice still shows under 'View or Print Transactions'. Is there any way of removing all record of its existance?
Ah - there it is
Thanks Joe
I created a direct invoice in error. How do I void this?
Hi Joe,
I just found a post by you on another topic which suggested keeping Traning Co for trialling new things. I see the logic. Thanks
Hello Joe, thanks for your response.
So this means that I am forever stuck with Training Co. as one of my companies in the install?
Is there any way to avoid this happening?
I have installed 2.1.5 and set up a new company. However, when logged on in that company, when I try to access Setup/Create/Update Companies I get the message:
'The security settings on your account do not permit you to access this function'
I am logged on with administrator privileges but am only able to access this facility if I log out and then log on again into the Training Company.
How do I overcome this? I would like to remove the Training Company and use my new company as the default.
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