Topic: Voiding

I created a direct invoice in error.  How do I void this?


Re: Voiding

By entering the Setup tab (as admin). Void a transaction. Select Sales Invoice and the internal number (look first in the Customer Transactions for this).


Re: Voiding

Ah - there it is
Thanks Joe

Re: Voiding

When a transaction is voided it still shows eg a voided sales invoice still shows under 'View or Print Transactions'.  Is there any way of removing all record of its existance?

Re: Voiding

Various legislations require to see the sequence. This is the reason for showing them with a zero amount.


Re: Voiding

OK - thanks.  Don't make a mistake - stuck with it forever :-)

Re: Voiding

One more query.

When I print an invoice the bank details for payment should be printed at the bottom.  However, all I get is:
Bank: , Bank Account:

Where do I enter these details?


Re: Voiding

You will have to fill out the relevant fields in 'Banking and General Ledger', 'Bank Accounts'.


Re: Voiding

Hmm - I have those filled out correctly but they aren't being used.  Is there somewhere that I have to mark the account as default or something?

Re: Voiding

I am still having a problem with this.
I seem to have the bank account details set up correctly as follows in 'Banking and General Ledger'> 'Bank Accounts'. :

Account Name     Type                  Currency     GL Account     Bank     Number                             Bank Address        
My Account     Chequing Account     AUD     1700 Bank Account     ANZ     BSB: 111111 Acct No: 99999999     Bank Address

and yet at the bottom of the Invoice PDF I get:
Bank: , Bank Account:

How do I get the Invoice to show the Bank, Account Name and Account Number?

Re: Voiding

In 2.1.X you should also select the correct bank account in the selection boxes before print out.
In 2.2 Beta this is done automatically by default currency.

Re: Voiding

Hello again Waverider. As a fellow Aussie I had the same issue with the invoices and needing room for BSBs etc.. To fix it, I simply made some minor changes to the invoice report. Send me a message if you want details. Also, as Joe mentioned, FA does not physically delete voided transactions. This is good accounting practice, but I know it can look a bit disturbing. If you are au fait with the db structure, MySQL and PHP, there's a way to do it....but you need to be proficient in these things first as its very easy to muck up your entire system. I do this because I'm not relying on the system for production data 100%, and enjoy understanding what's going on. Again, PM me if you're interested (and proficient at coding).

13 (edited by waverider 10/07/2009 12:05:20 pm)

Re: Voiding

joe wrote:

In 2.1.X you should also select the correct bank account in the selection boxes before print out.
In 2.2 Beta this is done automatically by default currency.

If I go to Setup> View or Print Transactions>Sales Invoice and choose the Print icon for my selected invoice, there are no boxes :-(

Hmm - later

I just found that if I go to Sales>Customer and Sales Reports>Print Invoices/Credit Notes  the box is there and it does work.  Very confusing that printing is in two different places.  Perhaps there is a reason for 'View or Print Transactions' being under the 'Setup' tab? It doesn't seem logical to me, but then I am permanently confused ;-)

Re: Voiding

Not having default bank account was long lasting FA issue. Up to version 2.1 first bank account was selected when printing was done via link on invoice entry page or from transactions inquiry table. This issue was fixed in 2.2 in such a way you can mark one bank account for any company value as a default account. This default bank account is printed on invoices in given currency.

View/print transactions is under Setup as this page is universal interface for any kind of transactions, not only sales. Setup module (which maybe should be named administration?) seems to be only sensible place for non specific features.


Re: Voiding

itronics wrote:

Setup module (which maybe should be named administration?) ....


Administration seems a more conventional term for that Tab.