No, not directly. You will have to mak some customizations in code to achieve this effect.

The types are defined in includes/, but those are system types, so adding new account types without respective changes  across application code does not make big sense.



(20 replies, posted in Setup)

Oh, yes, this has changes long time ago, back in 2011. This was changed to make possible having branches charged directly.

But you can set the name and billing address for the branch the same at it is set for customer (keep branch short name unique to easy recognise branches in selectors). If this is still problem (e.g. you have big database with mostly multibranch customers) you can fix the charge data in reporting/includes/ file about line 18-20  (the code should be self explanatory).



(44 replies, posted in Announcements)

I have found the problem with the dashboard module, just small typo in installation setup already fixed. New module version is available from repo.


(1 replies, posted in Reporting)

This function can be provided by any extension module (see comments to price_in_words() hook method  in includes/ more than one extension provides this hook, the last one is used.
Alternatively you can define it in file for your language - see lang/new_language_template/

(Gettext translation system has weak support for numbers, so this is done this way)



(24 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Thanks for support, all you have written is true. On the other hand usrr's response is main factor which drive the code changes to right direction. This application is made free available to help people do their everyday business, so it any feedback is highly appreciated. Lets don't discourage FA users smile.

I understand your objections regarding supplier invoice posting, but you are at least partially wrong, and probably it is effect of misunderstanding of FA Direct Invoice functionality.

So, Direct Invoice is just Supplier Invoice, GRN and PO made in one step. The additional cost GL lines available in Supplier Invoice form (and absent in Direct Invoice), are for special use and in most cases just sparse. Therefore _all_ journal entry postings generated by Supplier Invoice (without GL lines used) are the same as those generated when invoice is entered via direct Invoice page.

I agree it is sometimes useful to have editable tax entries on Supplier Invoice. When FA is properly configured taxes should be properly calculated, and there should be no  difference between real invoice and calculated VAT. The only reason I can see for this is small rounding errors which can be different in your supplier's invoicing soft.

Currently those differences are not supported directly in supplier invoice form in FA, but you can fix this by separated journal entry.

Again, I agree whether this is legally acceptable depends on local law. I can only say we are working on improvements in code which will make both EU intracommunity trade and above situation better supported in FA. Unfortunatelly this will not be available before next major release,a s additional databse changes are needed for this.



(5 replies, posted in Reporting)

There was error handling fixes made recently in Seems I have not checked twice the new code, and there is a bug introduced here. To fix it locally change line  982-983 in to:

   if (!empty($contact['email']))
        $contactData[] = $contact;




(20 replies, posted in Setup)

I'm not sure what you are talking about. Nothing has changed in Charge to field recently. Which version you have used before, and which one you have installed now?

apmuthu wrote:

The shortcut here is not to merely go to a URL but for a specific (Memo) field in a form to get focus. Will this "&" method do it?

Oh, yes you are right. I was misleaded by the original qusetion about 'Tab called Memo'. Now I see here Memo is input field, so hot key will not work here.


There is no hot keys support in forms, only in menu and submenus (hot keys work on links).
Adding hot key functionality to form field would be big improvement, but this is quite complex javascript/php task.
The hotkeys could be stored analogicaly as underscored letters inn form field legend text. Anybody interested in contributing the code wink ?


You can just add '&' before  'M' letter in tab tittle to have it available under Alt-M (Alt is standard  hotkey activator in FA.)
If you use any localization, you can change it translation *.po file, and use it after *.mo file generation (see other translation related threads on the forum if you are not sure how to do it).



(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

There is extension module 'requisition'  available in FA REPO, just for PO approvals processing. It was contributed by Dennis Gichangi  long time ago, and may be not fully functional. The extension need additional MySQL priviledges, which is not always possible on shared hosting accounts.


(1 replies, posted in Wish List)

Date/time/user info for changes in GL transactions are recorded in audit_trail. You can customize your local sources to display this info in transaction forms if you need it.

Currently hot keys functionality works fine e.g. on FireFox, does not work propely under Chrome. Hot keys are defined in text messages (or translation files) by preceding respective menu option text letter by ampersand.

There is no need for any list of hot keys, as they are directly visible (as underscored letter) on menu options.


(4 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Yes, Bank Account Name is just identifier used in account selectors. This is obvious, that all accounts in the selector are your company accounts, so using account function here seems to be much more handy.

The realse day is not decided yet, but maybe even this week.

Here was a bug in supplier credit calculation. Fixed in mercurial repo, will be available with next minor release.
Thanks for pointing this out.


(6 replies, posted in Wish List)

Sure, this is right workaround until this is properly implemented in application repo.

I have answered you by email. Further fixes in COA are needed.


(6 replies, posted in Wish List)

Yes, I would like to find time to fix this. Email content hardcoded in repo class is definitely design issue, or rather long lasting stopgap smile.



(24 replies, posted in Setup)

Yes, there is  a problem with EU trade taxation in current FA version, we are working on it, but solution will not be available in 2.3.x due to database changes required. AFAIK davrsani forum member has found some solution for this issue for UK requiements. We plan to extend the tax report too in next versions, but in fact even now all data needed for more detailed report is stored in FA databse (trans_tax_details table). So if you are determined to use FA anyway, you have option to hire some programmer to make the tax report customization according to your requirements.



I have included the COA as I received it. I have no possibility to verify contributed COAs in all details, but I have just looked in the file, and seems that account group '30' (described  'OMZET') is here. Anyway if there are any problems found in the current version, please send me updated file to be included in repo.



(6 replies, posted in Wish List)

I guess solution to this problem should  be user defined mail templates for various transactions. But yes, this need some work to be done in the code, and would need databse changes, so cannot be done in 2.3.x


(10 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

but whenever there is an issue to production / consumption, it is not accounted for till the year end

But this means that either the consumption/production is posted somewhere, or your ledger does not mirror your assets properly till the year end.

There is no internal constraint on nuber of  stock items, but when you want to print such enormous reports, you have to set max_executon_time to at least a couple of minutes in your php.ini file.