Topic: body of an email from reports
I have been working some on emailing reports, started with quotations and now on to invoices.
The main body of the email seems to be coded in the file reporting/includes/ using the variable $msg.
I sure would like to be able to write the body of the email using some variable that is in my custom reports in company directory (rep111 for quotations or rep107 for invoices). That way will in general stay the same thru the Mercurial updates but if it is edited heavily to get the body of the email set for all the different report, it becomes a real pain to have to follow.
Two other files in sort of the same situation are and (seems these two files get suggested to be edited often in the forum). They are often edited just to get a bit of different text in some document. It would be nice it the text stuff was in the company file and the good hard code to make it run was in the and
I don't know if I am missing something in the reports that will do the msg or the task may be very hard to code. But the section of this forum is Wish List and I am wishing.
Thanks Joe, Janusz and apmuthu you have all been a great help to me