Hello Guys,

I couldn't find any better solution, so I have followed @Braath Waate's solution. I hope it works and please help testing it.

The changes will be committed to repo asap.


Hello all.

I have been looking at this and espect a PHP bug. The code is handling it correctly. Explanation:

In file /inventory/includes/db/item_adjust_db.inc, function add_stock_adjustment. The line_item->quantity is assigned to another variable,  $chg.
This variable is sent to another function calculate_reorder_level with the address of $chg (this variable has been changed to positive qty for calculation), but the original variable line_item->quantity should remain unchanged. But for some reason the address of both variables is shared. Strange!!
I have now saved the line_item->quantity in a $tmp variable during the calculate_reorder_level and restored after. Now it is working.

As mentioned by @dtejada this is only happening when the 'Location Notifications' was checked.

I will upload the corrected file, item_adj_db.inc, for replacement.
The fix will be committed to stable repo asap.


Hello again,

New file uploaded. See post 53 above.



Ok I understand. Retrieving info on Google regarding this is very confusing.
But then everything seems easy to handle. chart.js has the relevant flags to show the legends perfectly in RTL. And the text and so on will automatically flow correct when the page is in RTL.


I will check this.


Hello Guys,

I see that you have been using the chartist.js chart for implementing parts of the dashboard. I have been looking at many different js charts and found the chart.js to be the best.
I just wonder if the chartist.js is able to handle the RTL languages. And also swapping the yaxis and reversing the xaxis series.
I have done a sample pdf files with the various charts done by chart.js and a little help with internal js.
A PHP wrapper class is also created to easier handle the various options. The titles and buttons in the RTL variants are HTML and are automatically swapped to RTL in the real world.
Please have a look at this pdf file.

OBS! New file


(11 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

I will ask Janusz to look into this asap.


Please remember that the suppliers descriptions are only put on the documents to him.

All other forms internally will use our own description.



(20 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Some of the compatibility problems have now been fixed and committed to 2.4.8 stable repo.

The following compatibility bugs still remains for fixing:

Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in file: C:\wamp3\www\account24\includes\session.inc at line 315

implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in file: C:\wamp3\www\account24\includes\ui\ui_lists.inc at line 161

Trying to access array offset on value of type null in file: C:\wamp3\www\account24\reporting\includes\tcpdf.php at line 1127

chr() expects parameter 1 to be int, string given in file: C:\wamp3\www\account24\reporting\includes\tcpdf.php at line 3525



(20 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

This is good reporting. Let us continue to use this thread for new php version problems.

I will occasionally try to fix the problems with backward compatibility.



The Salesmen implementation is very basic with percent and a breakpoint for another percent.
Please tell me if you need more fields for calculations.
That could be implemented in 2.5.
Otherwise use the dimension for better reports per artisan/salesman.



(8 replies, posted in Announcements)

I was awaiting some item stock improvements from Janusz before moving forwards. But he seems very overloaded with daily work.

I guess we should also consider FIFO option in stock handling. So we need a field for this in the stock moves table. And of course a flag in the company setup for using this.

In my opinion we should try to assemble what we have decided so far. I will make a list and try to put developers on the various tasks.


This has now been fixed with an extra checkbox, 'Group totals only'.

Committed to 2.4.8 stable. The fixed file can be downloaded here.


Hello again,

I have been thinking a bit more about this. Even if I don't like it, I will try to implement it with a checkbox. So stay tuned.


Hello Guys,

Is this really needed? I think the main reason for a Trial Balance is for investigating all the accounts (not the totals).
You get the totals summarized as a feature already now.

If you need the Group Totals only, you could as well use the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Drill Downs.

Are there any interest in this change by the Senior Members?



All done. Committed to repo, 2.4.8.

The fixed Invoice Document, rep107.php, can be downloaded here.


Hello Guys,

This has now been committed to stable 2.4.8 repo. A new Company flag, Use Long Description on Invoices, has been created in the left pane at the bottom.
If this checkbox is set, the Long Item Description lines will be printed as well on Sales Invoices.

The following 3 files were changed and can be downloaded here:

https://sourceforge.net/p/frontaccounti … rences.php
https://sourceforge.net/p/frontaccounti … ils_db.inc
https://sourceforge.net/p/frontaccounti … rep107.php.


Please update the Wiki with these important features. Thanks in advance.


/apmuthu: Done.

This has now been fixed. Committed to Stable repo 2.4.8.

The fixed file can be downloaded here. Please replace.

Thanks for reporting this.


Will have a look at this.


I will have a look at this.


Yes, really nice indeed. Maybe a good idea to put this link on the Dimensions Wiki page, if it is ok with you, @flpages?
If so, will you, @apmuthu, put the link on the Dimensions Wiki page?



(3 replies, posted in Setup)


This issue has now been fixed. Thanks @kvvaradha for reporting this. Committed to stable Repo.

The fixed file can be downloaded here.



This topic has now been fixed and committed to stable repo. To get it working you must download these two files from the repo:

company_preferences.php and create_recurrent_invoices.php.

In 'Company Setup' there is a new check box on the left hand side. Default value unchecked. To use dimensions on recurrent invoices just check the box and update.

Let us first test this so we are sure it works. I have already tested, but it need test from others too.


I found the solution myself. It was quite simple. I will implement it as a company setup checkbox, with the existing behaviour as default.

Just stay put an hour or two.


No, No dimensions are created for the Sales Order. And no dimensions on the item lines for Sales Order either. These things make the complexity.
Let us wait for Janusz's comments.
