Which version of FA are you running?
Did the PL and Balance Sheet sort it correctly?
We have never tested this with more than 2 sub-group levels, so if you still feel there is a problem, then you could send us a SQL backup of your
client database (setup tab). You can send us to the email address that are shown under Annoncement Forum.
Of course we will handle your data on a need to know base.
We will then test your solution and see where the problem is.


The session_save_path is set in your php.ini file. Check where this folder is located by searching for this session_save_path.
Then check the session file inside this folder for broken sessions. This is not easy, but maybe you can see if there seems to be broken sessions at the end.


Hello again,
Janusz is busy at present and asked me to give this advise to you:

"We have seen these before. They were related to broken session variables. I would advice
check save_path for session variables, restart www server, and clear borwser

So please try this, David. And let us know if it helps.


Thanks David,
I have sent it to Janusz for further investigation. If you haven't tried the $go_debug=1 in config.php you might try it. So if you already have backed your client, you could try the direct invoice again to see if anything show up with $go_debug flag set to 1.


Hello David,
Maybe you can run a System Diagnostics (Setup tab) and either copy this into a text file or take a picture of it and send it to us.
You see our email in the Anouncement Forum.


Can you see something spurious in your error_log for the specific operation periods?


There is a section on FA Wiki, that explains how this works.
Under First Steps. Automatic price calculations.
Please read this.
There must be a standard cost on the item greater than 0 for this to work.


The rounding up to nearest xx cent is for calculation of item prices.
So even if you set rounding up to nearest 100 cent, you will always round upwards (21.33 will round to 22.00).

When you want to round the total amount, The rounding difference for the invoice must also be shown on the invoice and a specific account must be used to catch the roundings when transferring the invoice into GL.
FA is not built to do this automatically. Maybe an idea for the future. Either set on a per customer or a company. We then need a default account to catch the even outs.



(3 replies, posted in Reporting)

What happens? Do you get a blank screen? Try to set the $go_debug in file config.php to 1. This will eventually trap som messages.


Is this a timeout window that pops up? In the company setup you can set the timeout in seconds. This is for security reasons. If not, try to be more specific.


Hello Alvin
What about credit the invoices in Customer Transactions? It is fast and secure.


You are right, Jackel7007. This bug has been there all the time.
It has been fixed in CVS Main and are going into release 2.2.3.

In the mean-time you can fix it in file /sales/create_recurrent_invoices.php.
After line 62

if (isset($_GET['recurrent']))

insert the following lines

    $date = Today();
    if (is_date_in_fiscalyear($date))

And after the end about line 99, insert the following lines.

        display_error(_("The entered date is not in fiscal year."));

So the previous code is inside the { and }.



(4 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Hello again, David. Vi have decided to include a document, Remittance, that does what you want.
This has been committed to CVS Main and will be included in release 2.2.3.



(4 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

I guess David means a list of allocated items belonging to this payment. The Cheque Printing Module leaves a slip with these items at the bottom.



(3 replies, posted in Reporting)

Maybe you could run the Supplier Balances Report instead.



(4 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

No, you will have to produce either a cheque (check printing module) or an Internet Bank Payment. We don't have any built-In fascility to do this because this is different from Bank to Bank.



(3 replies, posted in Reporting)

For Invoices and credit notes the due date is used as comparing to the end date. For payments it is trans date.
So if you have an invoice with trans date 01/01/2010 (MM/DD/YYYY) and a due date 01/10/2010 and an amount $1000 and an end date of 01/04/2010
this amount will show up under current.
If the end date was 01/12/2010 the amount will show up under 1 - 30 days. Given these operations I guess you can set the end date to display your needed information.


Hello again,
Enter the config.php file with an editor and set the $go_debug variable to 0 (when this is 1 FA prints the instructions to the pdf engine instead of the pdf file).


Did you upgrade to the latest repgen for 2.2. There was an upgrade to this short after the release.



(4 replies, posted in Setup)

Yes, you can. By using phpMyAdmin go to your database and company (table prefs). Enter debtor_trans and find your last transactions with type 10 (Invoice). You will probably find your last numbers here. Change these to follow your new number serie.
Remember to change these numbers also in table debtor_trans_details.
When FA is finding the next Invoice number it will take the MAX number + 1.



(4 replies, posted in Setup)

The easiest way is to use the Reference number field as your invoice number. The next reference number for your invoice is set in Setup tab, Forms setup.


The closing of a fiscal year is done automatically, when you close it. But you should wait until all the year-end entries has been done. When the year is closed you can no longer make entries into it.

The procedures will be updated on the wiki asap.



(1 replies, posted in Setup)

Sure, it is quite easy. Enter Setup tab, Fiscal Year. Create your new fiscal year.
Enter Company Setup, and select your new year.

When you are ready booking on the old year, you can later close it. After you have closed it you can no longer enter transactions into the old year.


The Journal Inquiry was rolled back to how it worked before the join of bank transactions.


I guess you will have to split it up into different items. Or, as you say, an extension module.
