Topic: balance sheet moving totals and showing them incorrectly
I am using 2.2.2
I used the south african chart of accounts from your download section.
I have just finished doing 2009 books.
The profit and loss report is perfect.
The balance sheet balances and is almost perfect except ...
under Assets there are no totals for 'Investments' or 'Bank Accounts' or 'Intangible Assets'
under Liabilities 'Total Investments' and 'Total Bank Accounts' and 'Total Intangible Assets' appear, and they should not, and the totals in them do not seem to be related the total investments or bank accounts from assets. I have bolded this problem below. Is this a bug or ????
My 2009 balance sheet
(500300 - 500399) - Motor Vehicles
500300 Motor Vehicles xxx
Total (500300 - 500399) - Motor Vehicles xxx
(500400 - 500499) - Office Furniture and Fittings
500400 Office Furniture and Fittings xxx
Total (500400 - 500499) - Office Furniture and Fittings xxx
(500500 - 500599) - Computer Equipment
500500 Computer Equipment xxx
Total (500500 - 500599) - Computer Equipment xxx
Intangible Assets
(600000 - 600100) - Goodwill
600100 Goodwill xxx
Total (600000 - 600100) - Goodwill xxx
(600200 - 600299) - Investments
600200 Investments xxx
(701000 - 710999) - Debtors Control Account
701010 Company Tax paid in Advance xxx
Total (701000 - 710999) - Debtors Control Account xxx
(701100 - 701999) - Sundry Debtors
701100 Sundry Debtors xxx
701150 Staff Loans xxx
Total (701100 - 701999) - Sundry Debtors xxx
(702000 - 702999) - Inventory Control Accounts
702000 Inventory Control Account xxx
Total (702000 - 702999) - Inventory Control Accounts xxx
(703000 - 703099) - Bank Accounts
703000 USD Bank Accounts xxx
703100 USD Cash xxx
703200 GBP Bank Accounts xxx
Total Assets xxxx
(801100 - 801199) - Sundry Creditors
801120 Provision for Directors Salaries xxx
Total (801100 - 801199) - Sundry Creditors xxx
(805000 - 805200) - Vat Control Account
805000 VAT Control Account xxx
Total (805000 - 805200) - Vat Control Account xxx
(807000 - 807999) - Accruals
807200 Other Accruals xxx
Total (807000 - 807999) - Accruals xxx
Total (703000 - 703099) - Bank Accounts xxx
Total (600200 - 600299) - Investments -xxx
Total Intangible Assets -xxx
Long-term Liabilities
902000 Loans from Directors xxx
Total Long-term Liabilities xxx
Total Liabilities xxx
Shareholders Equity
Stakeholders Equity
950200 Reserve xxx
Total Stakeholders Equity xxx
Calculated Return xxx
Total Shareholders Equity xxx
Total Liabilities and Equities xxx
my GL account groups
5 Fixed Assets Assets
6 Intangible Assets Assets
7 Current Assets Assets
550 (500100 - 500199) - Land and Buildings Fixed Assets Assets
570 (500300 - 500399) - Motor Vehicles Fixed Assets Assets
580 (500400 - 500499) - Office Furniture and Fittings Fixed Assets Assets
590 (500500 - 500599) - Computer Equipment Fixed Assets Assets
600 (600000 - 600100) - Goodwill Intangible Assets Assets
605 (600200 - 600299) - Investments Intangible Assets Assets
615 (600400 - 600499) - Loans to Subsidiaries Intangible Assets Assets
650 (701000 - 710999) - Debtors Control Account Current Assets Assets
660 (701100 - 701999) - Sundry Debtors Current Assets Assets
670 (702000 - 702999) - Inventory Control Accounts Current Assets Assets
680 (703000 - 703099) - Bank Accounts Current Assets Assets
8 Current Liabilities Liabilities
9 Long-term Liabilities Liabilities
750 (801000 - 801099) - Creditors Control Account Current Liabilities Liabilities
760 (801100 - 801199) - Sundry Creditors Current Liabilities Liabilities
800 (805000 - 805200) - Vat Control Account Current Liabilities Liabilities
820 (807000 - 807999) - Accruals Current Liabilities Liabilities
10 Stakeholders Equity Shareholders Equity
1 Revenue Income
3 Sundry Income Income
101 (100000 - 149999) - Income Revenue Income
150 (200000 - 209000) - Sundry Income Sundry Income Income
2 Cost of Goods Sold Cost of Sales
120 (150000 - 190000) - Cost of Goods Sold Cost of Goods Sold Cost of Sales
4 Expenditure Expenses
175 (301000 - 310950) - Personnel Expenditure Expenses
200 (303000 - 303950) - Marketing Expenditure Expenses
225 (305000 - 305950) - Vehicle Expenses Expenditure Expenses
250 (307000 - 307950) - Office Expenses Expenditure Expenses
275 (309000 - 309950) - Services and Fees Expenditure Expenses
300 (401000 - 401950) - Communication Expenditure Expenses
325 (403000 - 403950) - Finance Expenditure Expenses
350 (405000 - 405950) - Depreciation and Amortisation Expenditure Expenses
my GL Account Classes
1 Assets Assets
2 Liabilities Liabilities
3 Shareholders Equity Equity
4 Income Income
5 Cost of Sales Cost of Goods Sold
6 Expenses Expense