No problems, Andrew .
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FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
No problems, Andrew .
This was strange. I cannot reproduce this error. I use Foxit Reader and there are no problems. No increasing in font size.
Maybe you can do some more research on this, please.
Hmm, is that so?
Thanks, please report back with these errors.
I think that this is awesome, tclim.
This is what I was trying to achieve with the original 'exclusive' theme.
The dashboard in front is also good to give a good overview of the existing company.
Will you share your approach with me so we can get an optimized version.
Yes, but you can use the 'purchased' and remember to use another account for inventory that the normal ones (there are also inventory account for machines, buildings etc.).
You can either use the Items and Inventory tab for this. Just set the Item so be of type 'No Sales'.
Or, as you suggest yourselves, the GL.
The theme, exclusive, has such helpers on all menu screens.
No this will not work. The 0 rate will only work with Invoices. Not in Banking and General Ledger because you are not allowed to enter 0 amount.
Can anyone from the UK help elax here?
I don't understand what you mean by payment in this relation.
The VAT is put on the Invoice when you create it. You don't see the 0 rate, but it is monitored on the tax report.
The VAT has nothing to do with the payment. The inovice in payed with the net amount + ev. VAT, but the VAT record is established during invoicing.
You don't see this 0 rate nformation on the Invoices, but the 0% rates are monitored in the tax report. Please try for yourselves on the Training Co.
Hello, We have hade some bad experiences with PHP 5.2.6, however I will notify Janusz about this to be incorporated in the system check etc..
Inside config.php, set the $go_debug flag to 1.
I cannot reproduce this error. Is this happening from inside FA ?
That is what GL account groups are for, You can also have nested groups (parents). Try out the Trainincg Co.
Did you restart the Apache/IIS server?
The pos is user/bank specific. Please try a little harder
You can use either Quick Entries to do the tasks or use the Revenue / Costs accrual in Banking and General Ledger tab.
This was strange. Please activate the $go_debug flag to 1 in config.php. This will catch any errors for us.
There are so many ways you can set this up, so I have generally no idea on how you whould do this. Maybe an accountant can help.
You will have to manually remove all the transactions from the various tables before you can use the COA for a new company.
I guess there is a limitation on upload size in your php.ini file. Please increase this value inside the php.ini file.
As you have pointed out, there is no work around for incorporating the shipping cost into COGS. You could, of course, set the shipping cost to goto COGS GL account. But you would never having this getting into the cost price of the items.
In that case you will have to do that manuelly, as you point out.
This has been fixed in HG repository MAIN. The attachment will follow the new number. The next minor release will include this.
It is a bit problematic to handle the editing of Bank Payment. I can understand the problems with attachments and will try to coop for this.
FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
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