
(21 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

RodW, I guess you missed the F2 key, that brings up the customer and allows editing, in all the documents.

By changing the row 45 in /sales/inquiry/customer_inquiry.php to:

customer_list_cells(_("Select a customer: "), 'customer_id', null, true, false, false, true);

will enable the F2 key so you can look at the customer. This will be changed into the HG repository.

The theme, exclusive, has a lot of the features you request.

At first, let us just stay with the links between the forms.



(21 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

You are right RodW, regarding the fields you mentioned to go to the default contacts on the Customer/Branch.
I will have to add them too.



(21 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

One question RodW.
What do you mean with a drill down on the Customer Maintenance to the transactions. Isn't a link just sufficient?



(21 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

The six fields are:

Default Inventory Location.
Default Shipping Company.
Tax Group.
Sales Person.
Sales Area.
Sales Group.

These fields are pre-filled with default values (minus Sales Group that can be empty).
These fields are only available when creating a new customer. When looking at existing customers they vanish.

The rest of the Branch fields are copied from the Customer data.

Yes, these links would be good to have. Will have a look.



(7 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

The auto add customer branch is implemented in the HG Repository to go into next minor release.

Maybe we could have the transactions in the bottom of the screen if a link is pressed?


In the Budget Entry you enter your wishes (goals) about income and expenses for the accounts you normal use.
When you make a Profit and Loss report you can then compare the real period amounts against the budget and see how close you are to your budget.
Account     Entered values october                      budget october
--------------------------------------                       ----------------
4010 Sales                -400                                  -1000
5010 Cogs                  200                                     400
The compare column in the Profit and Loss Statement will also show the achieved % (in this case 40% for Sales and 50% for Cogs (Cost of goods sold).


You need this if you want to compare/follow up your Profit and Loss Statement. You can select the Budget column to compare your real result.



(14 replies, posted in Setup)

No it is not. Maybe you should consider selling your items in bigger pieces.


Suddenly I found a cp1257.map file (similar to the iso-8859-13.map file) and made a font for the Baltic. It is called freesans13.
It can be downloaded from the Download page, Release 2.3 section.
Please follow the instructions in the download and change the above line from "dejavu" to "freesans13". It works here at my place but I don't have any 'Baltic' text, so please tell me if it works.
Using this freesans13 will leave a much lesser footprint in the pdf-files.


I cannot find a solution for iso-8859-13. Please try to use the dejavu (unicode) font by doing this:

At line 178 in /reporting/includes/class.pdf.inc, please insert:

            elseif ($this->encoding === "ISO-8859-13")
                switch ($this->l['a_meta_language'])
                    default :        $fontname = "dejavu";     break;

and see if it helps.



(5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

If you search partly the matching items will show up in the list. F.i.
You have the following items in your stock:

Item 10
Stock 2

and you search by 'item' you will get
item 10

in your listbox.
Here you can select the item you want.

I hope that explains how it works.


I guess you will have to create a font for ISO-8859-13 yourself. Please have a look into the TCPDF project. Make a Google search. Look into their Forum if they have fabricated an iso-8859-13 font.
You may also look into our download pages on the Website. I am not sure if we have such a font. There are also instructions about how to create own fonts.
This is the first time we are using the ISO-8859-13 charset, so we are just as lost as you are about this.
Hopefully you find a solution. If you have problems creating such a font, please contact me again. I may be able to help you.


Hello again,

Please have a look at the following scenario:

1. You send a Sales Invoice to a customer. (1 GL Journal)

2. You get paid from the customer (1 GL Journal)

3. You credit your customer with a credit note (1 GL Journal and the items are returned or written off and the credit note is used for allocations. If any allocations they are moved from the payment)

4. Now you still have a physical payment from your customer. This can not by automatic be returned. You have to physically do a pay back to your customer. You do that by entering a Bank Payment, Customer. This is MORE correct than voiding the customer payment.

First now everything is done correctly.



(4 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

The search customer list is used if you have many items. Use a '*' if you want all items in the list. Otherwise search partly or entirely by customer name. Tab away from the search field and the list is filled with relevant customers.



(5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

The search item list is used if you have many items. You can partly or entirely search by id, category or description. You can use a '*' for searching all items. Then you tab away from the search field.


If you have made a Customer Payment before you do the Credit Note, the eventually allocations are moved from the Customer Payment to the Credit Note and the Customer Payment is remained unallocated and have no relation to any invoices.

Therefore, if you do a Customer Payment before the Credit Note, you should void the Customer Payment after the Credit Note.



(1 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Ok, this is a dublicate from the setup forum.



(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Please search for this in the Forum. There have been topics in th wishes Forums.



(1 replies, posted in Reporting)

This should be handled correctly. Please make a search on your topic and you will see several explanations.



(21 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

We have decided to add six fields from the branch when creating a new customer, so we can create a default branch.
This branch can of course be edited later. The HG repository is updated. This change will go to the next minor release.



(40 replies, posted in Translations)

You can use the contributions email stated on the Contact Us page.



(21 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

One of the problems when creating an automatic branch when creating a customer is which Tax Group to use on the branch. Likewise which Location to use.
Well, this can be fixed, by using the first ones, but is this good enough? We are having an internal descussion.



(2 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

This file is not used any more. It will be removed at the next minor release. But the file might still be there if you are updating.


We are changing to InnoDB for all tables in release 2.4 (next major)


No unfortunately not. Maybe you could create a temporary insertion into the bank account to do the operations and lastly counter book the insertion. Of course using the correct dates.
