
(3 replies, posted in Setup)

In the next major release, release 2.4, the shipping tax can be chosen inside the tax group.
Until then, you will have to declare items as shipping tax.


Hi lena,

This topic has been fixed in the HG repository.

For you that get this error, please goto http://mantis.frontaccounting.com and login/register.

Under bug:

0001173: Incompatible static implementation of Session Manager in /includes/session.inc
you can download the /includes/session.inc file and replace it on your server.


The prices cannot be entered with negative amounts.
Consider using a PriceList with the reduced prices instead.



(1 replies, posted in Reporting)

Yes, you could build a custom report (use the existing invoice, rep107.php as model) and install it. Then activate it for your companies.

This is not easy. You will have to look at existing custom reports to get the idea.
The existing /reporting/includes/header2.inc and /reporting/includes/doctext.inc also needs to be together with the custom report. The layout is in header2.inc.

Another and maybe easier way is to copy the invoice report, rep108.php, to /company/X/reporting folder, where X is the company number. Also copy the file /reporting/includes/header2.inc into this folder.
Inside the rep108.php copy the header2 function from /reporting/includes/pdf_reports.inc and paste it somewhere in the rep108.php file and call the function header_custom.
Change the foders etc. in the header_custom() and
change the         $rep->SetHeaderType('header_custom'); in line 68 and 86.

The header2.inc file contains the layout of the document.
Do the same thing for all other companies.


The statement reports are printed in a historic balance manner. The oldest first and present both invoices, credit notes and payments.
If you want to change the sort order, then please do that in the routine getTransactions() in file /reporting/rep108.php.


Thanks S for pointing this out. Will be fixed asap in the HG repository.


I will forward this thread to Janusz. He rewrote some routines here a while ago. Maybe he can find something.


Ok, we might have trapped the problem.

Unfortunately Janusz is first returning tomorrow night from holiday. He wrote these routines. I will inform him about this thread.


If you get these problems during install then put the following lines first in your /install/index.php

        ini_set("display_errors", "On");

or if you are updating then set the $go_debug flag in the config.php file to 1.
It will eventually trap any errors.


Please try to be a little more specific.
And also set the $go_debug flag in config.php to 1. This will eventually trap any errors.



(1 replies, posted in Announcements)

You can subscribe to the fa-list. Goto https:/sourceforge.net/projects/frontaccounting and look for mailing lists.


I use Windows 7 on my server. Hopefully somebody can tell us what could be wrong.


Strange, I have just tried an installation from the frontaccounting-2.3.8.zip file on a Windows Server and everything went well. Maybe a corrupted zip file? or maybe somebody from the audience can tell us more about that?


If this module turns out to be popular, we can put it in the repository. Thanks.



(15 replies, posted in Setup)

Regarding the traucated post here, it might be because of some direct links. We are normally restrictive by putting links on the posts, so it might have been cut due to that.

However your topics, tclim,  are very, very important to us, so we have allowed your links as necessary.

Maybe you can remember not to use direct links and put a name in the links instead of the direct ones.
Thanks in advance.



(1 replies, posted in Reporting)

The Invoice columns are in file /reporting/rep107.php.


In tab Sales, Customer and Sales Reports, Print Deliveries you can select 'Print as Packing Slip'.
This will not print the prices.


gic306, remember that this is a non profit project. If you can't get help by reading the Wiki and search the forum uou are on your own. We don't have resources to help changing the program.



(7 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Please use the F2 key for this while in one of the document forms.


Please either use the demo to see how this can be done. You can also look at the Wiki. There are links from our Website.


You can always just use the default ones. From time to time users want to use different nearby accounts for spilitting up their GL.


The minimum range is 1 day in the selections. Maybe you can get closer in one of the Inventory Reports.



(7 replies, posted in Setup)

I will ask Janusz to look into this asap. In the meantime, can anybody help RodW?



(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

You will have to write your own routines for this.


I don't understand this. The allocations and amounts is in the customer currency. How can you have leftovers here?
