
(8 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

The JE do not have anything to do with the amounts of the delivery. These amounts are first handled when invoicing. As told before the only GL transactions for the delivery are the the crediting of inventory and debiting of COGS. Please try to discuss this with an accountant.

I cannot reproduce the 1 and 2 errors. Nobody have reported problems in the latter releases.



(8 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

For deliveries in journal entries, the JE transactions are based on the purchase price. The purchase is credited the Inventory Account and debited the COGS Account. Just as it should. The Invoice JE transactions take care of the Sales amounts etc.

Make sure you have the last release regarding the double entries. There has been a bug here that is fixed.


We are sorry, that we don't have resources to help you change FA. We are fully occupied with developing FA.


There are currently no custom reports about Invoicing. You can install / activate a custom report, just to get the idea of how to write one.


You should be safe doing so. FA do not have period tables, so when calculating the period balances it runs through all the transactions.



(7 replies, posted in Installation)

Ok, try to comment out the line and see if you get the correct info.


You do get the same information on the Invoice in FrontAccounting. If the customer/branch use a pricelist with included then the total is displayed and information about how much the various tax rates are included for the Invoice.

If you need special information you will have to rewrite a custom report.



(1 replies, posted in Reporting)

You can install / activate the extension, Sales Summary Report and activate it for your company.
I think it includes service items, otherwise you can easily change the report to include it.
After install, it will be in /modules/reporting/rep_sales_summary/rep_sales_summary.php . The selections for the report is in /modules/reporting/reports_custom.php.


The menu item is called Install / Activate Chart of Accounts smile

You cannot import a chart of accounts directly from a csv file. You will have to convert it into a SQL script.


You can, as admin, remove unwanted received item lines in the Supplier Invoice form.


Please look in the Wiki, https://frontaccounting.com/fawiki .



(2 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

It is only used for service items.


Can any of you help us trap this bug on the IIS Windows server. We were earlier suspicious to the function session_regenerate_id() in line 79 of file /includes/session.inc.
What happens if you comment out this line?
You could also read this thread:

And try to experiment a little for the work arounds. We are sorry, that we don't have the Windows IIS server installed in our development environment.


The best way is to change the call to add_bank_transaction() in the import module to:

add_bank_trans($type, $trans_no, $bank_act, $ref, $date_,
$amount, $person_type_id, $person_id, $currency="", $err_msg="", $rate=0)

The best way is to change the call to add_bank_transaction() in the import module to:

add_bank_trans($type, $trans_no, $bank_act, $ref, $date_,
     $amount, $person_type_id, $person_id, $currency="", $err_msg="", $rate=0)

You can see the function in /gl/includes/db/gl_db_bank_trans.inc.

Hope this will work.


Please set the $go_debug variable in config.php to 1 and see if any errors are trapped.
Otherwise look into your error.log and also ensure that your folder for saving your sessions (session_save_path) is writable.



(1 replies, posted in Setup)

You can only search for partly Item Code, Item Category or Item Name.



(3 replies, posted in Setup)

You will have to experiment with FrontAccounting to see which option suits you the best. You can use the training company for that.
You can also consider writing a module / extension for this. We do not, however, have the resources for doing that.



(1 replies, posted in Setup)

No, No, you can establish as many tax groups that you want, and put the right tax group on the Supplier.
A tax group can consist of many tax types.

Please try again smile


There have been made some safety routines in the fiscal years since this info was made. If you are sure there are no transactions on the company, the easiest way to change the fiscal year is to use phpMyAdmin.

However the proper way to do it in FrontAccounting is:

1. The current fiscal year is 01-01-2011 to 31-12-2011.
2. Create a fiscal year 01-01-2012 to 31-03-2012. A short dummy year.
3. Create a fiscal year 01-04-2012 to 31-03-2013. Set this year as active on the company setup.
4. Close and delete year 01-01-2011 to 31-12-2011.
5. Close and delete year 01-01-2012 to 31-03-2012. The dummy year.
6. Create a fiscal year 01-04-2011 to 31-03-2012. Set this year as active on the company setup.

You are now ready to start your transactions. You will now have 2 fiscal years on the company. but you are currently using the first one.

I will fix the update on the Wiki.



(3 replies, posted in Setup)

No it is not possible to link a deminsion to a location. But you can generate a report, under Item and Inventory reports. Report 'Inventory Sales Report'. Here you have a Sales and COGS per Item and you can select a location.


You will have to write a module / extension for doing that.


When you close a year, you balance the accounts and you can no longer make entries to this year. But you can still look at the reports and inquiries for the closed year.
When you delete a year, the transactions are removed and the balance accounts are brought forwards. You can no longer se the transactions for a deleted year.
You initiate the closing of a year by selecting the year, and then select the closing and update the fiscal year.


You cannot import directly with INSERT INTO debtors_master, because of a lot of secondary keys into other tables. You should use one of the extensions that are in the repository, Setup tab, 'install / activate extensions'.


This is a bug. The HG repository has been updated. Thanks for reporting.

You can remove the following lines from line 108:

        if ($rep->row < $rep->bottomMargin + (2 * $rep->lineHeight))
            $salesman = 0;

and from line 155 (151 if you do not count the above line) remove these lines:

            if ($rep->row < $rep->bottomMargin + (2 * $rep->lineHeight))
                $salesman = 0;
