1 (edited by psdelmundo20 12/13/2011 02:06:09 am)

Topic: Standard Computations Invoice System

Total                                                                                     107,775.00       
Withholding Tax                               
Net Sales                           96,227.68                   
Withholding Tax - 2%               1,924.55                   
    Gross Revenue                                           107,775.00       
    W/Tax Expanded                                          1,924.55       
    Net Billing                                                PHP 105,850.45       

TOTAL SALES REVENUE                                         PHP 107,775.00       
VATABLE                                                                                   96,227.68       
VAT-12%                                                                                  11,547.32       
TOTAL SALES                                                                 PHP 107,775.00

Please help for the computations for our standard Invoice system, need to have the same figures on the print invoice....This is great open source!...I Thank you for the programmers who created this.....Great Job!...

Re: Standard Computations Invoice System

You do get the same information on the Invoice in FrontAccounting. If the customer/branch use a pricelist with included then the total is displayed and information about how much the various tax rates are included for the Invoice.

If you need special information you will have to rewrite a custom report.


Re: Standard Computations Invoice System

Hi Sir Joe,

I'm a newbie...Can you give me a sample custom report with the output of what I posted yesterday?...

Hope you can help me...

Thank you in advance!...

joe wrote:

You do get the same information on the Invoice in FrontAccounting. If the customer/branch use a pricelist with included then the total is displayed and information about how much the various tax rates are included for the Invoice.

If you need special information you will have to rewrite a custom report.


Re: Standard Computations Invoice System

There are currently no custom reports about Invoicing. You can install / activate a custom report, just to get the idea of how to write one.


Re: Standard Computations Invoice System

Ok Sir Joe.....Thanks I'll check how to create custom invoicing....Keep you posted...Thanks again....