Latest version of all available packages are installable directly in FrontAccounting application. Really I don't know what you mean by 'password protected'. If you have any problems with your company policy, just install FA on your home box, install the packages, and you will find all the current source files in 'modules' directory. That's all.


(8 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Latest package version is already available.


(18 replies, posted in Reporting)

Sure, if you have a chance to install gettext on the server, just do it. gettext works as binary php extension and uses optimized binary *.mo translation files. This is surely less resource consuming than php implementation.

Just read install.html file attached to every FA release tarball.


(18 replies, posted in Reporting)

No, gettext is optional php module, but when it is active on your server, the server have to support locale defined by FA language extension you have selected, otherwise the translation will not work.


(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

All transactions are stored in database (i.e. imported). Attachement files are stored in company/*/attachments folders.


(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

If you are asking about whether the wire fee should be paid by customer or put in costs, then I don't know, it depends on agreement and/or local habits.

Technically you can enter wire fee directly in Customer Payment form, and the fee will be included in AR, but subtracted from the amount registered on bank account.


FrontAccounting is available both in Debian and Ubuntu repositories, but this is quite ancient version (2.2.10), so I guess you would like just install latest tarball from project site. You can also use git/hg repo clone and update your installation with 'git/hg pull' when new minor FA releases are available.


(5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

There was big Sourceforge site upgrade these days, so the Repo could be unavailable for some time. Now all works as before, but on new  URLs.

If page numbering starting from second page is acceptable for you (i.e. without page number on first page), we can switch the numbering on for all documents since next minor release.

Practically none. We consider switching to InnoDB only database in next major release as prepartion to foreign keys constraint.

No. This excludes voided transactions from the query results. Voided transactions should never be taken into account.
This is weird, transaction type 22 is Supplier Payment, so the transactions of this type should never appear in inventory account.

mmunoz wrote:

I get different total amounts when displaying  the gl ledger inquiry and balance for the inventory account in the same date range.

Which menu options are you using to retrieve those data?

Hi Bob,
Consider opening FA Online account on our server. You have technical support included in small monthly subscription.

Yes, it was added here

Whether first name, last name or both, as well as the names order strictly depends on local habits. IMHO the only sensible way to fix this problem in FA is providing mail templates in FA.


(5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

No, it was fixed in git 5 day ago.
BTW Git repo is still only the mirror of SF mercurial repo which is official one.

You can comment out line 142 in reporting/includes/, then you will have page numbering on all  reports.


(12 replies, posted in Announcements)

Due to the problems found in 2.3.17 next release is planned this week.


(24 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

FA does not have user fields suppot just now, so you are on your own. Most of database  related code is stored in includes/db/* files, so if you want to make use of extra data fields you have to start your changes from here, and continue in user interface files (i.e. those called from main menu).

Please make forum lookup first. AFAIK this is windows related problem and was described a couple of times on the forum. Working under linux I have no more usefull advice for you.

Software Upgrade menu option should be used only in case you want to install new FA version, but the one you have already installed has different major release number, e.g. you want to upgrade from 2.2.xx to 2.3.17. Otherwise it should not be used at all - see upgrade.html instructions.

Force option is last resort which should not be used unless normal upgrade fails. This option is provided here for rare situations when some changes have been done in company database scheme outside FA application control, and normal upgrade process fails.


Also the module have to be activated for all companies (see Extensions selector on Install/Activate Extensions page).

Yes, you are right again. I have finally found the original problem. Simply the calculated exchange rate should not be stored in customer Payment record (bank to home currency is stored here, and not bank to customer currency exrate; this is done later in the code).
I have run a couple of tests covering various currencies combinations on the write_customer_payment function, and now all looks OK (repo updated).
Thank you very much for your help smile.



(5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Yes, you are right. Will be fixed in next release. Thanks.

The Customer Balances and Supplier Balances reports are fixed in mercurial.
But I cannot reproduce the problem problem with the amounts recalculation. When the EUR and GBP amounts are not selected exactly as they would result from exchange rate stored in application, you will always end with some posting to Foreign Exchange Gain GL account. If you are sure there is still some bug here, please provide exact scenario step by step, with all currency details.
