Topic: upgrade to 2.3.17 to force or not to force?

I up loaded the files for 2.3.17, made the necessary adjustments, and went to Software Upgrade, from within the first company.

2.1     Upgrade from version 2.0 to 2.1                     alter2.1.sql     Installed    
2.2     Upgrade from version 2.1/2.2beta to 2.2     alter2.2.sql        
2.3     Upgrade from version 2.2 to 2.3                     alter2.3.sql     Installed    

I checked the "Force Upgrade" box for all 3 lines and 'Upgraded the System'

When I tried to log into the first company I got a message to the affect that o_users was missing.

I could restore the backup for the other companies, but without access, not for the first.
We managed to restore the file from The Host's back up and have been using the second company since then.

I have just tried to access data from the first company and get the message "System blocked after upgrade until updated on Software upgrade Page'.

Which box should I check, none, the last, or all 3 or 1 at a time. I don't want to lose any tables? Will I lose work I have done in the meantime in the second company?


Re: upgrade to 2.3.17 to force or not to force?

Software Upgrade menu option should be used only in case you want to install new FA version, but the one you have already installed has different major release number, e.g. you want to upgrade from 2.2.xx to 2.3.17. Otherwise it should not be used at all - see upgrade.html instructions.

Force option is last resort which should not be used unless normal upgrade fails. This option is provided here for rare situations when some changes have been done in company database scheme outside FA application control, and normal upgrade process fails.


3 (edited by jonathan46 09/03/2013 08:07:45 am)

Re: upgrade to 2.3.17 to force or not to force?

Thanks, that is what I thought.

I've solved it. More files were lost, I don't know how, so a full restore of an older back up has cured it.

It just shows the value of keeping backups.

Sorry to have bothered you.
