Yes, this should be no problem.
Start by using bank payment in banking and general ledger. Select 'customers' and an account (probably the AR account).

Everytime you get a bank deposit from the customer you van use customer payment in sales tab.

You should be able to allocate all the bank payment or part of it.

If you don't see the bank payment here, you can use the allocation menu later.


please contact a local accountant, because there might be different approaches to this.


There is an English-Australia language you can install. It should take various Australian specific translations.

Otherwise, if you are using the English translation only, you can change it in reporting/includes/ on line 122.


This VAT number is from the Company setup in Setup tab.

Joe is no longer used. Doctext is only used
For text to the document.

You should look insede for chmging the layout.



(3 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I am not sure if you is reading the reports correctly.

If you take the Inventory Valuation Report this is per default taken for all Locations. Try to filter the location you are using.

The on screen Inventory Itrem Movements, are taken per Location. This may confuse you.

I have just made research again and can not find any errors. FA is doing what I explained in my former post.



(3 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

It looks like when editing a delivery note, the quantity is taken back first and taken out again. The net result seems to be ok, doesn't it?



(8 replies, posted in Setup)

You can either delete the transactions or void them, Setup tab, void transactions.



(8 replies, posted in Setup)

No, I am afraid not.  Where there are no pencil, FA doesn't allow editing.



(12 replies, posted in Translations)

No, Gettext is used. Strange. Something in your environment is wrong.

Which OS and what server are you using?



(8 replies, posted in Setup)

There are plenty of editing fascilities.

Look in the various transaction inquiries. There is a pencil icon where you can edit.



(12 replies, posted in Translations)

Please run a System Diagnostic from the Setup tab and see if it reports problems.

Also look in the error.log located in the /tmp folder.


If your currency rate is huge against the domestic currency and the rounding errors are getting big, then you should increase the currency rate decimals in Preference. F.i. to 6 or 8.


You can disable the automatic updating of currency calculations in Company setup.


You should set the sales account on the branch to use the item sales account.

If you use more sophisticated methods, consider using different branches.


Check to see that the customers branch sales account doesn't override the items.


Check in the Forms setup that the next reference is ok.


I just tried to reproduce this, but could not. Are you sure you entered the correct sales accoint in the item?

This seems to be a good idea. Will fix this.



(3 replies, posted in Setup)

You have put your problem in several forums. It is enough with one !!

Please try to make some research in your environment. The error might be here.

1. Look into errors.log that resides inside your /tmp directory. At the very end you will probably see what is wrong.

2. Set the $go_debug in config.php file to 1, to trap more warnings/errors.

Did this help?


You have an on screen inquiry, that shows the stock movements per location. It is in Item and Inventories tab, Inventory Item Movements. Does that work?


What do you mean by allocation to locations. Are you doing some positive item adjustments?

Or are you doing som GRN entries?

Please tell us exactly what you are doing. Otherwise we ca't help you.



(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Thanks. Will be fixed asap.



(12 replies, posted in Reporting)

Yes, this was the reason for scrambling. However if your FA structure is not known to anyone  outside, then it is not a big deal.



(1 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

The shipping tax is going to change in release 2.4. Here you can mark the shipping tax in all tax groups.

If you have troubles using the normal shipping, then create the shipping(s) as service items and use where appropriate.
