Topic: Customize header for invoice in V2.3.11

Hi Guys

Just wondering, i have done alot of looking around trying to customize the header of the invoice (just below where the logo goes) in australia we use GST as a reference to VAT

Everywhere i have read says to edit the file, but in the latest version it isn't included?

and there is no where in the file to change any of the top area of an invoice, just customer details.

does anyone know how to do this, or can help out? I'm pretty stuck

thanks in advance!

Re: Customize header for invoice in V2.3.11 is no longer used. Doctext is only used
For text to the document.

You should look insede for chmging the layout.


Re: Customize header for invoice in V2.3.11

Thanks for the fast reply, I can't seem to find any reference to VAT number which is located at the top of the invoice below the logo anywhere in either doctext or header2

Where does it pull this information from now?

Re: Customize header for invoice in V2.3.11

This VAT number is from the Company setup in Setup tab.


Re: Customize header for invoice in V2.3.11

Hi joe, thanks for the reply, I have the number changed through the setup, but I want to change the field name that is displayed on the invoice, instead of VAT I need it to read ABN

Re: Customize header for invoice in V2.3.11

There is an English-Australia language you can install. It should take various Australian specific translations.

Otherwise, if you are using the English translation only, you can change it in reporting/includes/ on line 122.


Re: Customize header for invoice in V2.3.11

Legend! Thank you very much joe
