Type 13 is Delivery Note, which is not allocatable. Transaction type 12 is Customer Payment which can be allocated to sales invoice. I guess you have broken database for some reason, but I don't know how it happened.


(9 replies, posted in Reporting)

If you want to use pdf template you have to add it to reporting/forms, and file content will be used as report background. But I guess most of the fields on your invoice template has different coordinates than those printed in standard FA invoice report. Then you have to copy Header2.php file to 'reporting/forms/back.php' and change the file content in such a way that invoice fields are printed in proper positions on your blueprint.

Regarding the thread subject, I guess voiding the bank transaction would result in negative balance on Petty Cash account in some  point of account history, so voiding is forbidden.

Sorry, still cannot reproduce the problem. Replying the scenario does not give any errors. I think you have somewhat broken FA database. You can eventually post the bug report to mantis providing SQL dump from your database (unless it contains any confidentaila data).


(6 replies, posted in Installation)

A link to the the server cannot be established.

Check if MySQL service is running on your server and you can access the FA database using the credentials stored in config_db.php file.


(1 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

This is open source application, so just look into the file implementing functionality similar to what you need, copy/paste the code, customize it and finally make it running.

This is quite simple, providing you know how to write php code. If it is not the case it would be better not to waste your precious time, and just hire some programmer to implement all what you need as paid customization. The best place for such requests is Jobs wanted/offered forum.


I cannot reproduce the problem. What was exact order of operations resulting in this error?

Hi Peter,
All Linux distros contains all what is needed to run FA, and I believe mostl of them has all needed modules compiled in php. In fact most of the FA functionality does not have any special requirements (all php releases in branches >5.1 should work), OpenSSL is needed only to access FA extensions repostitory, curl is used for retrieving exchange rates form ECB site, and xml-rpc is not used at all in core code. Apache root directory location on most distros is under /var/www but this is somewhat distro dependent.


I guess the problem is outside FA code, and not really related to sql query: the message inform about some write problem in /var/tmp directory.

I really see no advantages to install third party packages like XAMPP under l\Linux, where you have all what is needed to setup http server properly configured in native repo. I agree this is not the case under Windows, but on Mint or any other Linux distribution you should just rely on distro packagers knowledge. All the problems you have with make FA running on Mint are probably related to badly configured XAMP bundle.

Just install Apache2, PHP, MySQL and OpenSSL as provided by Mint and then install FA in properly running environment. As far as I know Mint is Debian based, so you can just unpack  FA tarball in any /var/www subfolder, and run FA installer.



(6 replies, posted in Setup)

Standard charset for all FA versions in 2.3 branch is latin1, so if you do not use any language requiring utf8, you should stay with latin1. Otherwise problems can arise in near future during upgrade to 2.4 which will use utf-8 entirely.


(4 replies, posted in Translations)

Hi Mario,

Thank you very much for your support for portuguese  FA community smile. Main language pack is already available form our repo, installer tranation will be incluced in next minor version.



(13 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Sure. You can have as many currency bank accounts as you wish, and FA registers all payments/deposits in bank currency, but GL postings are always done in home currency.
In fact in one payment transaction even three currencies can be involved: home currency for GL postings, bank currency for bank transaction and supplier/customer clearing currency used in AR/AP.


I'm not sure which FA version you are using, but as of 2.3.18, there GRN clearing account balance seems to be handled properly. In case of exchange rate differences between GRN/invoice date, exact postings done when invoice is entered are as follows:
---Debit GRN clearing account 100.00
---Credit Accounts Payable 96.00
---Credit Inventory account 4.00

The proposed posting back to GRN account (instead of inventory) would result in incorect item value on  inventory account. The inventory item value has to be adjusted when final cost is known i.e. after Purchase Invoice entry.



(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

I guess you have broken database for some reason, fa_security_roles table is missing.
Try install FA again checking carefully system tests results presented on first installer page.
When the problem will rise again, try using numeric prefix instead of 'fa_'.


(6 replies, posted in Installation)

I have not used LDAP extension module, but there is normal that you see normal login page. LDAP authentication is done in background, but the page used for login is the standard FA form. After installation you have to configure LDAP interface in modules/auth_ldap/config_ldap.php.

For items decimal places are determined by UOM. The setting from Prefferences is default value, which is rarely used, and not in places where stock related decimals are used.


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Fixed in repo, thanks.

FA depends here on properly configured mail system on your box. One thing which you have to set is email address in Company Setup. All the rest parameters are outside of scope of FA. Please make forum lookup searching for the solutions, those problems were discussed many times over there.


(6 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)


This is just naming convention. Various customer/suppliers are handled differently regarding tax charges, so they belong to various Tax Groups. Just treat the Tax Group as a tax filter which selects removes some taxes defined on items, and not applicable to given customer.


(10 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Well, I consider the scenario a little contrieved, and probably it is not what original thread author had in mind.
Could you explain your POV?

Oh yes, of course you can say the repo is public password protected wink.

There were no changes in themes and charts packages in mentioned period. Latest repo has updated Spanish/Chile translation, and two extension modules: Dated Stock and Textcart.

You are right regarding sparse checksums in control file -they will be removed on next repo update.


If you have any special needs regarding UI theme and you know how to implement the features,  it would be much better to design separate theme module, instead of sending here patches to existing code, which not too many people will know how to apply.
Themes system in FA is rather well separated from other code. Yes, I think it is good idea to create specialized theme for tablets/mobiles.


(9 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

FrontAccounting (like most php applications) depend on proper mail configuration on your box. Most of Linux based installations does not require any special settings (all is confiured once during OS/mail system installation). If you are working on Windowz box, you will probably have to adjust some settings in your php.ini file (see here). If you don't know where to find/how to change php.ini file - call for help your system administrator.


(10 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

I'm not sure I understand the problem rised here. Where the company name is not displayed: in PDF report or in  popup order window?

I also do not understand need for including the company name here. We do not display company name in popup windows because this would be pure waste of screen space. All the popups are designed for fast look into various documents and transactions, and FA user in most cases perfectly know what is his/her company name.

For documents which are shared with clients/suppliers respective reports are available, so you can print e.g. nice looking Purchase Order instead of sending draft screenshot of popup window content.