Topic: FA table character set


In my frontaccounting database, some of my tables and columns have character set as "Latin1" and some are "utf8". Is this correct?

Re: FA table character set

If you are using only english, then it may be okay but make sure the collation is the same for all string fields.

Re: FA table character set

Yes I am using it for English only FA.

Sorry. The Collation are different for tables. It's "latin1_swedish_ci" and "utf8_general_ci" . The character is latin1 for colums where table collation is  latin1_swedish_ci and utf8 where table collation is utf8_general_ci. Do I need to change my database. I am getting error when I post any documents with "£" sign in note or comment.

4 (edited by apmuthu 09/25/2013 08:12:02 am)

Re: FA table character set

Make the database and tables latin1 and the columns default collation as latin1_general_ci or latin1_swedish_ci  but it should be uniform throughout. Alternatively, make everything utf8 and collation utf8_general_ci which is the default recommended type.

It might be easier to take a backup of the sql, edit the sql and then restore it. The database collation and charset must be done outside of FA.

Re: FA table character set

Standard charset for all FA versions in 2.3 branch is latin1, so if you do not use any language requiring utf8, you should stay with latin1. Otherwise problems can arise in near future during upgrade to 2.4 which will use utf-8 entirely.

Re: FA table character set


Does the collation has to be latin1_general_ci?

Re: FA table character set

can be latin1_unicode_ci too or latin_swedish_ci - but keep all the string fields and db collations the same.