Re: Journal Inquiry Dates

Hi Guys,

Downloaded the above file and replaced it on my 247 installation the following is observed.:

1. Customer / Supplier names are not showing.. Just numbers 1, 2 ..etc
2. QE names not showing but numbers as well.
3. Misc entries are shown properly.
4. The Funds Transfer is showing correctly.

Re: Journal Inquiry Dates


I forget to mention that you still need the new gl/inquiry/journal_inquiry.php file as well.  Download that and you should be good.

28 (edited by rafat 08/05/2019 04:03:41 pm)

Re: Journal Inquiry Dates

Thanks @Braath Waate

I will download and test and come back to you.

Re: Journal Inquiry Dates

Hi All,

Its working fine.

Many Thanks..

30 (edited by boxygen 07/31/2020 06:29:27 am)

Re: Journal Inquiry Dates

Hello, Today I was just checking and found that in Journal Inquiry 2.4.8 the Counter Party column is not showing the Customer Name for Sales Invoices.

Here is the Screen Shot

Similarly for Supplier Invoices it is showing for some invoices and not for all. What could be the reason.

Post's attachments 116.2 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Journal Inquiry Dates

Extracting persons out of the gl file is tricky because FA nulls these fields out, leading to very obscure SQL.   Try:

--- a/core/gl/includes/db/
+++ b/core/gl/includes/db/
@@ -619,13 +619,13 @@ function get_sql_for_journal_inquiry($filter, $from, $to, $ref='', $memo='', $al
         gl.type as trans_type,
         gl.type_no as trans_no,
-        IFNULL(gl.person_id, IFNULL(st.supplier_id, IFNULL(grn.supplier_id, IFNULL(dt.debtor_no, bt.person_id)))) as person_id,
+        IF(MAX(gl.person_id), MAX(gl.person_id), IFNULL(st.supplier_id, IFNULL(grn.supplier_id, IFNULL(dt.debtor_no, bt.person_id)))) as person_id,
         IF(ISNULL(st.supp_reference), '', st.supp_reference) AS supp_reference,
         IF(gl.type=".ST_BANKTRANSFER.",MAX(gl.amount),SUM(IF(gl.amount>0, gl.amount,0))) as amount,
         IF(ISNULL(u.user_id),'',u.user_id) as user_id,
-        IF(gl.person_id, gl.person_type_id, IF(!ISNULL(st.supplier_id) OR !ISNULL(grn.supplier_id),".  PT_SUPPLIER . "," .  "IF(dt.debtor_no," . PT_CUSTOMER . "," .
+        IF(MAX(gl.person_id), MAX(gl.person_type_id), IF(!ISNULL(st.supplier_id) OR !ISNULL(grn.supplier_id),".  PT_SUPPLIER . "," .  "IF(dt.debtor_no," . PT_CUSTOMER . "," .
         "IF(bt.person_id != '' AND !ISNULL(bt.person_id), bt.person_type_id, -1)))) as person_type_id
         FROM ".TB_PREF."gl_trans as gl
          LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."audit_trail as a ON

Re: Journal Inquiry Dates

Thanks Braath.. It seems OK with your change.

Sales Invoice and Supplier Invoices samples attached...

Post's attachments

Sales_Invoice - 64.6 kb, 4 downloads since 2020-08-01 

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Re: Journal Inquiry Dates

It worked bro!!

Re: Journal Inquiry Dates

Can this be included in core if it does not cause any conflicts?

Re: Journal Inquiry Dates

Sure. Fixed and committed to core.

The fixed file can be downloaded here.


Re: Journal Inquiry Dates


Field Pay To is empty

Also in Bank statement Person/Item not showing

Is it happening for everyone?