Topic: FrontAccounting questions

I couldn't find a suitable forum to post this in so I hope this isn't too far off topic!

I'm evaluating an accounting solution for my company.
I've played around with Phreebooks and have found it to be very good but I'm getting really frustrated with the support/community over there. Basically, you rarely get an answer to your questions. It is no good having a great system if nobody knows how to use it!
All this has led me to think maybe Phreebooks isn't the one for me, then I stumbled across FrontAccounting which seems to be equally impressive smile

While using the FrontAccounting demo, I noticed a few differences between the two systems that I hope someone can help me with.

1. Vendor Deposits.
In Phreebooks, if I have to pay for goods up front, I create a purchase order, then create a Vendor Deposit for the bill amount, then when I receive the goods I pay the bill using the vendor deposit.
Is there a similar system in FrontAccounting?

2. Journal Entry
In Phreebooks, when I enter a transaction in the General Ledger, I have 2 rows as it is a double entry system. I have to debit one account and credit the other.
When entering a transaction in the journal in the FrontAccounting demo, there was only one row to enter data. How do I keep the debits and credits balanced in FrontAccounting?

Thank you for your help!

Re: FrontAccounting questions

1. You make a Payment to the Vendor in FrontAccount (FA) and don't make any allocations at this time. When the Invoice arrive you do the allocation for this Invoice from the former Payment.

2. Normally you use the Bank Deposit/Payment routines to do these entries, but when using the Jorrnal Entry line by line you cannot save the Journal Entry before it is balanced. If you try to do so, it will warn you about this and doesn't allow you to save it.
In FA you dont have do debit/crdit every line, but can do a lot of debit entries and only one credit entry. The only restriction is that the total of debits equal the total of credits.

Otherwise please use our Wiki, http.// for further answers to your questions.
