Topic: POS Module

roger wrote:
What are your estimates on developing a reasonable POS module?

I may be willing to share some of the costs if I can participate in the design of the same.

Regards, Roger

Alvin Martin wrote:
Hello Roger

Sorry I am late with my mail.

I will do some work on this, this week.  Have you downloaded openbravoPOS yet, it will run standalone, let me know what you think about it, we will go from there.  Joe has some java experience, we may be able to get him to look at it for us, but will no doubt need to hire a java developer...

More later


Hello RK

RK wrote:
> Hi Alvin,
> This system look pretty good. What is your idea on the integration?
It needs to be changed to work with FA
> Would it operate online against the Frontaccounting database over the net
The pos program, the module, will run on the client.
> or would it operate more in a store and forward mode?
It would operate in real time, it would work like your browser does for other transactions, you will need to be online.
> If in store and foreward mode I would expect products, stocks etc. are >updated from Freebooks and no changes should be made on the POS end?
Everything is done server side, there is no need for update, or to save anything client side.
> My doubt is in that I would preferre not to have any piece of SW installed on
> the client PC.
I do not think we can get by without running a small program for pos, Java seems to be the best, it will be needed to run things like bar code scanners, receipt printers, scales, pole displays, cash drawers, etc.
> The idea I have is to have soe similar functionality but in PHP running on the > Frontaccount server.
I do not think php will drive those pos prifeals.
> One big missing item is the possibility to recieve payments in multiple
> currencies (E.g. tourists).
I see, I will also need this feature, if it is something that the folks over at openbravo will also need, then we get them to do it for us.  I will look more at it later.
> Regards
> Roger

Regards, Alvin

"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."  - Aristotle.

Re: POS Module

To all those who monitor this thread I have been going back and forth with Hans about POSper you may want to get in on this at


"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."  - Aristotle.

Re: POS Module

Hello Jaunsz

I am going to use posper for a pos...  I don't know yet how much trouble I will have doing this.   But what I would like from you is a break down as to the tables and columns that get posted to when you do a direct invoice sale in fa, if you have the time...

I am not a coder so any help from anyone is welcome!

At the very least I will hack together some sql to load the posper data base with data from fa, but this will be a lot of hand work...

I will post my efforts here.


"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."  - Aristotle.

Re: POS Module

Direct invoice issue is complex process which involves a lot of tables. In fact this is shortcut procedure which internally involves generation of sales order, delivery note, and sales invoice. Generation of this documents in turn includes a lot of side operations like changes in inventory, registration of changes on cash/bank account, taxes registration, allocation of cash payment to generated invoice etc,etc. Implementing all this operations by writing directly to MySQL db tables does not make sense - this is equal to writing most sales module functonality once again.

The only sensible way I see to entry data from other source (e.g. external POS) is to fill all needed data in new  object of type cart (see and call to class write method. If all data are properly prepared (proper item codes, proper customer and branch, right level of items in selected inventory for all invoice lines etc) the function will return true.

But if you really want to know what is written to what tables during direct invoice entry you can find all underlying sql queries by going down in calling hierarchy starting from this write() class method in cart class definition. Calls to db writing procedures you will find at the end of the method code. I do not have list of all involved tables ready, so I cannot past it here. I think finding all this stuff can take some one hour, sorry.


Re: POS Module

I find that I am quite interested in this topic though I don't have much experience in the java barcode reader, sounds like to make some achievements on the POS Module I need to visit more on the bar code software site.