Topic: PayPal sales: how to book


I have a small browser based game company. For our revenue we rely on micropayments, mostly using paypal, but also a few other providers.
At the moment I use GNUCash for my accounts, but I'd like to switch to a web solution.

At the moment I just export the daily sale amount to GNUCash, so for every day I have 2 transactions, one a sum of all my paypal sales, another the sum of all my paypal costs. I do not add transactions for every single sale.

However, now I'm wondering if it isn't better to make one transaction for every sale. I'm sure I can tweak some scripts that allows me to import all sales into frontaccounting. This way I also keep every paypal transaction in my accounts; the more detail, the better, right?

These sales are all to "end customers", so there is no need for invoices. I'm planning to create a customer called "online sales" or something and just put all these sales on this customer.

For my other services (social network sales, mobile sales, etc) I just create an invoice when I receive the money from them, so that doens't have to change.

How would you guys handle this? Should I do something differently?

Re: PayPal sales: how to book

The easiest way to handle this is to set PayPal as a Bank Account. Then you will also have a nice check of the transactions.


Re: PayPal sales: how to book

And what would be the best way to import/push the sales?

Re: PayPal sales: how to book

As you say the smartest is to either use an existing module (look in FA, Setup tab, Install/activate extensions. There you can see which modules are available from the central repository. or to write one yourself. Should be fairly easy. Have a look at one of the others to get the understanding of how it works.
