1 (edited by srehman66 06/23/2011 01:23:10 pm)

Topic: Error of Calculating tax in Purchase order/supplier invoice

when i creating purchase order the system didn't calculate actual percentage tax .. the detail screenshot is here: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/40/orderpic.jpg/

in mentioned pic the tax should be $5 , but its 4.76 !!!!! i am using fa2.3.5
please quick response

Re: Error of Calculating tax in Purchase order/supplier invoice

No the taxes are correctly displayed. Remember that the price list in this case is tax included.
The price for an item (tax included) is $100. The price, tax excluded, is 100-4.76=95.24.
The tax is 5%. 95.24 + 5% tax = $100 (rounded).


Re: Error of Calculating tax in Purchase order/supplier invoice

hmm... very complicated ... lets see the $3.5 is the 3.5% of $100 is this possible that when i enter the amount $100(inclusive of tax) the tax will be $3.5 not any other!!????

Re: Error of Calculating tax in Purchase order/supplier invoice

i think i have to change this code ::::-
// Adjustment for swiss franken, we always have 5 rappen = 1/20 franken
        if ($this->curr_code == 'CHF') {
            $val = $taxes['1']['Value'];
            $val1 = (floatval((intval(round(($val*20),0)))/20));
            $taxes['1']['Value'] = $val1;
        return $taxes;
Kindly help me !!!!

Re: Error of Calculating tax in Purchase order/supplier invoice

This is an old helper for Swiss tax users. If you don't need it, remove it,  of if you want to change it, feel free to do so.


Re: Error of Calculating tax in Purchase order/supplier invoice

The tax is caculated properly. You have set tax included pricelist, so you have 100$ including tax, and tax is is 5%*95.24=4.76
