Topic: Supplier payment in foreing currency strange behavior

Hi , I'm trying to pay a supplier in a different currency that my main account.

I set the amout and the exchange rate. Everything seems fine.
The supplier has been paid  the correct amount of foreign currency, the GL transactions are correct ...
but, the bank transaction is wrong (it doesn't match + the GL transaction)

Rather than being

it seems to be

   amount + charge/exchange_rate   
(and I'm not sure it's using the exchange rate provided in the form or the db one)

As anybody noticed that ?

I probably can fix it but in which file should I look

(PS : I'm new too here, and I m not just what is best for bug report, here or the mantis system)

Re: Supplier payment in foreing currency strange behavior

You are right. It seems that the charge is calculated wrong. Will be fixed asap.


Re: Supplier payment in foreing currency strange behavior

The bug is now fixed. The HG repository is updated. The fixed file can be downloaded from Mantis, Bug no. 900.

Remember that this bug only occurs if you use the bank_charge field when paying and only if you use another currency account than the supplier.


Re: Supplier payment in foreing currency strange behavior

That works , thank you really much.
