Topic: Direct Sales Orders

I have a customer setup... John smile   I do direct sales invoices to john...   However sometimes the Reference gets automatically incremented...and other times it shows "auto".    Always from sames sales location, same salesman.    I have looked through the code and cannot find why this is happening.   

The only thing i notice is those that have a reference incremented... nothing is in the delivery notes...   On those that don't has some delivery notes like date, ref, total...   But for the life of me, i never entered any delivery notes.   So, what am i missing?   Please educate an old man. smile

Re: Direct Sales Orders

When you create a direct invoice, a delivery is created in the background. These background documents get the reference 'auto'. As you don't use them, just let them be.


Re: Direct Sales Orders

Thanks Joe for the quick response.   What i do not understand is why when i "seemingly" do the same transaction it produces a different result.  smile   I see nothing i am doing different with each transaction...( I know that is what they all say:)    When i look at the Invoice, instead of a number, i see the word "auto"... on the background documents that is ok...but not on the customer invoice there you would want a unique number..

I want to create the invoice number automatically so they will stay unique...but since it is a service kind of business...i would rather do the direct invoice.

Re: Direct Sales Orders

Joe, et. al.     I found part of my problem.    Why auto shows in the invoice as the order number.   Apparently you can change in the config.php and i did not realize that until i was looking at the sales_order_entry code.

I still dont know why it put a reference number in sometimes and at other times puts auto...perhaps i will figure that out later.   

At least now i can get a unique number on the invoice when printed smile   Progress.