1 (edited by pedma 05/21/2011 12:57:04 am)

Topic: Is there really NEW empty sql file? Deleting some tables ....


I'm new to FA. Nice, thanks to developers.  I've installed the last version 2.3.4  under LAMP. I got problem installing the SQL file via web-based installation procedure. So, I installed it manually via Mysql prompt.  I changed the word  TYPE=....   to ENGINE=....  to make the installation success.
I choosed the file " en_US-new.sql " , but there are still some transactions. So, I delete the entry of some tables like : debtor_trans, debtor_trans_details, supp_trans, supp_invoice_items, bank_trans, budget_trans, gl_trans, purch_data, purch_order_details, purch_orders, sales_order_details, sales_orders, cust_branch.  Do I missed something ? Is there really a sql file for NEW beginning company without transaction ?

- pedma -

Re: Is there really NEW empty sql file? Deleting some tables ....

The script file en_US-new.sql is empty for transactions. Only the Chart of Accounts and a couple of managed records, that are easily changed.

I don't know why your script-file is filled with transactions. Are you sure you didn't use the en_US-demo.sql, whitch is meant as a training script?


Re: Is there really NEW empty sql file? Deleting some tables ....

joe wrote:

The script file en_US-new.sql is empty for transactions. Only the Chart of Accounts and a couple of managed records, that are easily changed.

I don't know why your script-file is filled with transactions. Are you sure you didn't use the en_US-demo.sql, whitch is meant as a training script?


Hi Joe,

Thank you very much for your reply. I know it's strange, that a "new" sql contain the transactions, but it's real as I tested the new installed FA.  At the first time, for testing & easy learning,  I'm using the "demo.sql" . After some hours, I drop the database, create it again (the same database name),  and now using the "new" sql (I'm not sure actually that the database name can cause this).  OK, I will try to drop the existing database & create new one using another name, then using the "new" sql  for this new database. Hope it will running well without transactions ....

Thanks Joe.
- pedma -