Topic: Setup...after install...closing previous fiscal years.

When i ran the setup for 2.3.4    I had fiscal years 2008, 2009, 2010 in the database...i guess from the install.    I wanted to delete them.   When i tried, the system said that i need to make sure that a retained earning and profit and loss account were set up correctly.    I went to do that, but each time i tried to update to set the accounts... I would get this message "Before GRN Clearing Account can be changed all GRNs have to be invoiced." 

Since i had no transactions on a new setup and i could not find any by looking at the reporting...  I am at a loss how to get these previous years closed out.    2009 would not let me close cause 2008 is not closed...etc    So i am in a catch 22 in regard to satisfying the error message.   As far as i can see there are no GRNs to be invoiced...cause i had no data for 2008.     

Have i found a bug? or just showed my lack of accounting knowledge again?   I read the postings on this subject and in the wiki... but the answers they give, I tried, and still do not solve this error message.

Re: Setup...after install...closing previous fiscal years.

Which Chart of Account script have you been used when setting up your company?

I cannot reproduce this on en_US-new.sql script.


Re: Setup...after install...closing previous fiscal years.

I would attach a pic but dont see how to do that in this forum but this is what i did

General 4 digit COA for new company in US     2.3.0-4     2.3.0-4     iso-8859-1        

I am sure i did something wrong smile   I am trying to learn some accounting from your excellent site and software...    I hope i can use it and contribute.    I am a programmer but i grew up old school with mainframes and pl1...which you probably never heard of.   I am now trying to learn php to help out some charities...