Topic: Qestions about Official Company Number, GSTNo Add Price from Std Cost

I just installed Front Accounting to help me to manage my small business and Setting up the company I get the fields fot Official Company Numer and GSTNo, but I don´t know what they mean.

I´m not an accounting man and also i´m from Mexico. Here in Mexico we have an official number for a tax contributor, called RFC, and it should be included in any invoice of a sale or a purchase, to identify my business.

Is the GSTNo or the Official Company Number equivalent to the RFC in Mexico?

Also what is Add Price from Std Cost?

Re: Qestions about Official Company Number, GSTNo Add Price from Std Cost

Hi and welcome.

The GSTNo is the Tax ID and yes is eualent to your RFC. This ID is by default printed on the invoices. The company number is the company registration number from the authorities.
If you enter a percent in 'Add Price from Std Cost' you will get this percent increase on the prices from the average purchase price. Otherwise you can also setup the prices in Items and Inventory.


Re: Qestions about Official Company Number, GSTNo Add Price from Std Cost

Thank you for your help!

4 (edited by nicewheels 07/11/2011 02:45:24 pm)

Re: Qestions about Official Company Number, GSTNo Add Price from Std Cost


with regard to Add to std cost, where exactly do you get the marked-up price showing?


Re: Qestions about Official Company Number, GSTNo Add Price from Std Cost

The std cost price is picked up by purchase order deliveries or entering in standard cost.
