Topic: Import Customers

Does the existing import_customer work with the FA 2.3.1/
I tried it but did not have any success
The subdirectory did not have a hooks.php file
I created a hooks.php but got this error message
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class hooks_import_items in D:\wamp\www\frontaccount\modules\import_customers\hooks.php on line 27

The file appears in the installed_extentions.php file

I need to import customers into a new set of books
can I create a sql file and import it into Debtors master table.
Are their any other tables to be imported to


Re: Import Customers

I have created soap web services that may help to solve your issued. It's related to import customer into frontaccounting. It basically import the customer contact information which involves of debtors_master, cust_branch, crm_persons and crm_contacts. Please read my post at

Hope it help.