Topic: Can't Edit Item Description after Upgrade to 2.3

Hi I have upgraded from 2.1 to 2.3 and now I am not able to edit my Item Description field anymore by just clicking the pencil.

It used to work fine but now when I do it I can only change the Qty, Price and Discount. I need to be able to change the Description on a Ad-Hoc basis so that for instance Labour I can then edit it and put down a description of the work completed.

Please help urgently I need to bill my clients.

Re: Can't Edit Item Description after Upgrade to 2.3

I can't reproduce this error. I wonder what has gone wrong??


Re: Can't Edit Item Description after Upgrade to 2.3

Could you possibly tell me where in the PHP file I should look or perhaps which PHP file I should try replacing.

Re: Can't Edit Item Description after Upgrade to 2.3

First you could try to empty your browser cache and try again.

The files included are: /sales/sales_order_entry, function handle_update_item
and /sales/includes/ui/, function sales_order_item_controls.
And the file /includes/


5 (edited by oneit 02/23/2011 08:22:23 pm)

Re: Can't Edit Item Description after Upgrade to 2.3

Hi Joe  I think I may have found the change in code from 2.1 to 2.3 however I'm not sure how to fix it. Here is the only noticeable difference I can find.

if ($order->line_items[$id]->descr_editable)
            text_cells(null,'item_description', null, 45, 150);
        else {
            hidden('item_description', $_POST['item_description']);
//        } else {
//            sales_items_list_cells(null,'item_description', null, false, true);
//        }

I can't figure out what it's actually doing though. It seems to think the description is not editable where is this set?

Re: Can't Edit Item Description after Upgrade to 2.3

Hi Joe

Never mind I have just found where that option is set, in case anyone else is wondering there is a new Tick Box under the items page. I had to select Labour from the drop list and then chose Editable Description and then update.

Thanks again for your help Joe.
