Topic: Layered Detail of Location

Hi.  Have a similar need here.  I suspect I need to add code to have location be more representative of how we store things.  Location needs to have multiple fields.  It needs to hold info like:  Plant, ROOM, Storage Device, Drawer, Bin.   Where would I do this?  Would I need to do it in more than one file for location or are they linked so that if I update in one place it is updated universally? 

Thank you.

Have a Blessed Day,

Re: Layered Detail of Location

Hi Inventory, as response to your mail. I am new to FA so I have little knoll age on what programs are used where. Nor have I looked at the inventory module.

After a glance at the database I can see that Items are called stock in the database inventory and orders and items in purchase, on order an item_id is called stk_code. (Name convention are not followed making it hard to read the model.) You can have locations and items in a location and reorder (purchase) is done per location and item. So the location does not have any sub locations and locations are treated separately in reorder. Locations are called Inventory locations in the user interface and have contact information. If the model is correct one can only have an item in one place in an inventory location witch is a kind of plant (as it has contact info). There are no structure with plant, inventory, inventory place (a position within the inventory holding a stock of one item) in the FA database.

So if the database is correct Plant could be a kind of Inventory Location, question is if your plant can consist of several inventories or if a plant has or is one inventory? Room if you mean inventory places does not exist. To properly introduce inventory places one would have to add an new structure (table) and make rather large program changes to be able to store an item in different inventory places. (It is however possible that programmers have made different kinds of work-a-rounds like in GL trans and used locations for both inventory and inventory places).

Storage Device, Drawer and Bin, Well, to understand what you mean by your items you have to define them carefully, normally one would interview the staff to understand the real meaning of an item in the operation. How is it used on what document does it appear, how does it relate to other items, and so on.

My suggestion is that you try to describe your items more precise and consult someone that have dived deep in the inventory module, or make your own investigation.