Topic: Tax in Avance

Some clients retain me a sum of money as taxes paid in advance, how do I enter this data when entering the customer's payment?

For example:

I make and Invoice for US$ 100.00 + IVA (15%), Total : US$ 115.00

My customer pay just US$ 114.00 and give a fiscal note of US$ 1.00 (the fiscal note is a tax I pay in Avance).

How can I do for include this tax when the customer pay.


Re: Tax in Avance

In this case I would use the Bank Deposit form. Here you can do free booking. How you are booking it, I am not sure, but you have greater freedom in Bank Deposit form that in Customer Payment.


Re: Tax in Avance

Thanks, for you answer.
My new question is:
How I can link Bank Deposit form with the Invoice?


Re: Tax in Avance

You can't f directly. You will have to allocate the deposit afterwards.
