Topic: Item category is not sorted correctly

On the item maintenance & item categories pages:

Item categories are sorted only on category_id rather than on description. This is not critical, but as categories grow it becomes quite unwieldy.

When I bulk loaded item categories they were in alpha order, so the problem didn't appear until I added a new category, which should have appeared somewhere in the middle of the list, but the category_id was of course the next available number at the bottom of the list.

I haven't checked all the other places where category is used, but on the direct invoice page, items are CORRECTLY grouped within categories which are sorted by description.

Re: Item category is not sorted correctly


I noticed this and tried to figure some way of sorting on description as I have nearly 1000 categories. We have some 100,000 products which we are entering, but the lack of sort order on category and or search fro a category is a bit of a nuisance.

Any solution is sight? I'm using version 2.2.11

Re: Item category is not sorted correctly

Hi InfoComm,

i am reading your post and i noticed you have used 1000 categories ...

i am going to upload my items and categories, there are not as much as yours, i used to have my items under category and sub-category and sub-sub-category ... now that it is not possible with FA we have only 1 level of category ... i suppose we need to be smart and find a workaround and experiment a new way of define category ...

since you are dealing with some many i am sure u already had some idea ... if you dont mind to share how you have organized your category i'd appreciated

many thanks

Re: Item category is not sorted correctly

Same here, I support the idea of sorting the category based on description of the category.

1. it is unsightly from user perspective
2. you need to keep scrolling up & down just to find the right category.

Re: Item category is not sorted correctly

AJAX Anyone?

Re: Item category is not sorted correctly

apmuthu wrote:

AJAX Anyone?

sorry for the silly question, what does it mean?

Re: Item category is not sorted correctly

AJAX is a means of dynamically changing a portion of the page (in this case, items in a category) according to some other field selection (in this case, category).


Re: Item category is not sorted correctly

Sorry for reviving an old thread and writing non-helpful comment. The purpose is just to bump this bug (?) so as to remind the developers.

Currently using version 2.3.16

Re: Item category is not sorted correctly

No problem. Item Categories table will be sorted by description since next minor release.
