1 (edited by bradchaus 12/15/2010 01:46:42 am)

Topic: GL Accounts not working


I am trying to add and/or modify accounts. When an account is selected, the details are not retrieved. When an account is added, one addition works, but when selecting new account after that I cant add another account.

This worked in previous version, but I think it hasn't worked in Beta 3 either.

Version 2.3.0 Build 09.12.2010



PS .. This worked ok up to RC2

Re: GL Accounts not working

Probably you have some local problem with installed files. All works right in 2.3.0 - you can check on next.frontaccounting.eu demo. Please download and install latest tarball from sourceforge.net to be sure.

Re: GL Accounts not working

well, interestingly, I have done clean installs each of 2.3RC, 2.3RC1, 2.3RC2, 2.3RC3 and the 2.3.0 release and 2.3.0a releases.

No changes have been made to my system (Fedora 14) for any of the tested installations. The behaviour I have explained occurs only in 2.3RC3 and later. The earlier RC releases work fine. So, something must have changed in Frontaccounting 2.3RC3 thats leading to this behaviour.

I have tried a different browser, (Firefox, Epiphany, Internet Explorer). So, seems to me the browser is not the issue since the behaviour is identical.

That only leaves the php setup and the web server.

FA System Diagnostics reports no setup errors.

So I guess my question is what has changed between RC2 and RC3 that requires me to alter some other setting.



Re: GL Accounts not working

All the changes between RC2 and RC3 you will find in Changelog.txt file. Sorry, I cannot reproduce the problem with GL accounts edition. Moreover there is nothing special on this screen comparing to other edition interfaces.

Re: GL Accounts not working

ok, well I have located the file that is different between RC2 and RC3 which causes my problem.

its includes/ui/ui_lists.inc (using the file from RC2 corrects the behaviour)

since the Changelog says this file was modified to improve SQLI resistance, would I be correct in assuming there may be a difference between your setup and my setup in terms of the MySQL config?

I have to say I am not a php programmer so I am a bit lost looking at that code.

Perhaps you could tell me which Linux distribution you use and/or we could compare MySQL config

I dont know if this is the right track to take but am preparde to explore it further with a little help from you if possible.



Re: GL Accounts not working

Ok, we will try to locate the problem with debugging utilities built in FA.

When an account is selected, the details are not retrieved.

Let's try following procedue:
* Logout from FA
* Switch off javascript in your browser
* Login into FA - you will see slightly different user interface - this is fallback (non-javasript) ui mode.
* set $go_Debug=1  and $show_sql=1 in your config.php file.
* Go to GL Accounts, select any account and press tick button after account list.

Now you should see GL accounts details. When you do not see them - this is javascript related issue. At the bottom of the page you will see all SQL quries made during page generation. This one is responsible for account details retreival:

SELECT * FROM 0_chart_master WHERE account_code='xxxx'

where xxx is account code number.
Now you copy-paste the sql query and try it in phpmyadmin, to check whether this is mysql related problem or not.


PS to leave fallback ui mode you will have to logout, and switch javascript in your browser on.

Re: GL Accounts not working

well well, I went away for a few days and just came back. nothing has changed since I last played with FA.

now its working.

go figure

sorry for giving you a headache

Re: GL Accounts not working

There are more things in Heaven and Earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
William Shakespeare

Re: GL Accounts not working

maybe something happened with the updates thru Fedora .. anyway .. many thanks ... have a great new year and thanx for your patience

Re: GL Accounts not working

Good luck smile.