Topic: Customer Statements

Does FA2RC2 Have the Ability to Print a Customer Statement to Email to the Client.

I need to show the Client(s) Details of Transacsiotns, Amounts Payed and Amounts Due and Amounts Outstanding.

Please Help

Re: Customer Statements

Did you look at the Customer Reports in Sales? Hm...


Re: Customer Statements

Thanks for the info joe cool

Great Product

Re: Customer Statements

I have  problem in emailing the statements to my clients.  The invoicing works.  The message received is :
"You have no email contact defined for this type of document"
The clients branches have the emails.  I'm missing something?

Re: Customer Statements

Depending of which kind of document you will also have to set the email on the customer/supplier


Re: Customer Statements

joe wrote:

Depending of which kind of document you will also have to set the email on the customer/supplier


Where does one do that?  The email function of the invoices works fine, the statements unfortunately not.  Under customer branches edit choices be made for Deliveries, invoices, orders, general.  Should there maybe be a statement option as well??

Re: Customer Statements

Anyone that can shed light on the issue of emailing statements please? It responds that no email is setup to be able to email statements. The customer and attached branch have valid emails.  Ideas anyone?

Re: Customer Statements

You have to have defined invoice email contact on customer level.
In this only case customer related mail is used as the Statements are normally revised by the main office of the customers.

Re: Customer Statements

Aha! A Christmas present answer!   Thanks.  Slowly we learn... smile