Topic: Low Stock Report
I need a Low Stock Report...
I can get the sql statement done but I need a little help.
Report would tell me what products at a location has a current quantity of less then or equal to the reorder level.
The statement below gives me a good report, but it doesn't show all the data I need. Using the statement bellow will not show products that have not been transferred to that location etc. I am guessing that I need to query some other tables like purchases received etc.
If I can please get some help... maybe a list of tables that I need to query etc.
SELECT 0_item_codes.stock_id
, 0_item_codes.description
, item_moves.sum_qty
, 0_loc_stock.reorder_level
FROM 0_loc_stock
JOIN 0_item_codes
ON 0_item_codes.stock_id = 0_loc_stock.stock_id
AND 0_item_codes.inactive = 0
AND 0_item_codes.category_id = 18
JOIN ( SELECT stock_id
, SUM(qty) AS sum_qty
FROM 0_stock_moves
WHERE loc_code = 10
BY stock_id ) AS item_moves
ON item_moves.stock_id = 0_item_codes.stock_id
WHERE 0_loc_stock.loc_code = 10
AND item_moves.sum_qty <= 0_loc_stock.reorder_level