Topic: Giving a Credit

You have to understand that I'm also fairly new to accounting as well as FA.  I've just installed for the first time.  The wiki has a lot of blanks but was helpful in installation.

I have a customer who has partly pre-paid for an invoice (a deposit).  I enter as a payment (deposits - general ledger) to that customer before raising the invoice.  I would have expected that when raising the invoice the amount pre-paid would be deducted from the total invoice amount.  How is that done?

I can't see how to enter customers from my old accounting system, who are already in advance.  I've been to the demo site to see how to raise a credit note but I'm lost there too.  It would be nice if I could enter a negative number in the invoice but I get an error.  How would I set up a credit to apply in the invoice as it only accepts positives?  I'm feeling a little bewildered and what I've seen in the forum on credit notes is so far a little over my head.  I understand it's all done in the GL somehow but it doesn't seem to flow through to the customer from what I've seen so far.  Any help would be appreciated to get me started.

Re: Giving a Credit

Customer deposits should be entred via Customer Payment in Sales module, but if you have used right customer selector in Deposits under GL it also should work. Credit Notes can be entered with no relation to any Sales Invoice via CustomerCredit Note, or against invoice selected in Customer Transactions Inquiry.

Once you have Invoice entered you can allocate any previous payment or credit note via Customer Allocation Inquiry.


Re: Giving a Credit

Thankyou for that.  You've been very helpful.  Once I've mastered this I'd like maybe to add to the Wiki a bit to help others get started too as there are some blanks for the complete novice.  It becomes clearer and you can understand posts once you get the feel for it, it's just getting started.  I still have no idea what dimensions are except how to spell it.  Knowing its purpose would help me to fully utilise the program but it seems it's just assumed these are known terminologies.

Re: Giving a Credit

Yes, it would be great to have all this explained in Wiki. Regarding dimensions I'm not especiall familiar with the idea, so I can't elp, but this feature is descried in a couple of posts on dimensions forum.
