Topic: Transaction Type

This is just a personal preference, but I thought I'd ask for those out there who might want a cleaner looking general ledger output ...

The transaction types show up as fairly long entries ... such as "Inventory Adjustment", "Supplier Invoice", "Journal Entry".  I don't see in any of the tables where that identifier can be modified.  It would be great if maybe another field could be added to the Forms Setup screen so that a shorter identifier could be set up.  I personally don't need to see the words "Journal Entry", I'd rather save some screen real estate and just see "JE" ... for Inventory Adjustment, I'd use "IA".  This way my general ledger entries wouldn't wrap to two lines and I could see more as well.

Is there anywhere that these descriptors can be changed currently as a work-around?


Re: Transaction Type

Look into includes/ Here you will find two tables at the top: one with transaction names, the other with shortcuts. You can try to mangle with the names here, however it can have side effects like having 'SI' instead of  'Sales Invoice' also in printed document smile.

Re: Transaction Type

Ah ... very good!  Efficient that those terms are used in a multitude of places.  In order to have the documents use words that are understandable by the general public (for invoices and purchase order and such) and have an abbreviated code for internal purposes would take much more coding for the program. 

It seems that us accountants spend a lot of time trying to make the outside world happy and satisfy our obsession with efficiency and logic.

I may still goof around and see what the effects are of tweaking those descriptions.

I know the end results would probably not be worth the amount of time it would take, but it would be nice if there was a table where the descriptions were saved with user editable data including a field for external documents and a field for internal reference.