Topic: Login Timeout

I've just installed FP for the very first time.  Ver 2.3 final release.  I've increased the login timeout to 7200 in Company Setup and yet I am required to login again every 2 to 5 clicks as I navigate.  Very annoying.  The setting seems to be saved so I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong.  I don't think I've got a permission problem although putenv has been disabled on my web server for security reasons so I've had to mask 3 lines (71, 72, 73) in includes/lang/gettext.php to stop an error shown when debugging, as it doesn't work anyway.  I gather this is language related so not deemed critical.  Is there a way to force keeping logged on?  In my situation I prefer that to any security risk it may pose.  I've done a search but it would appear no-one else has my problem.  Thanks if you can help.

Re: Login Timeout

Your problem is probably related to invalid session handling on your server host. Try to set explicit save_path directory uncommenting line 196 in An yes, the problem is not related to commented out setenv() calls, however this can disable language switching in your application providing you  are using MS Win system.


Re: Login Timeout

I tried a lot of combinations and eventually took the document root from phpinfo() so to be exact as I gathered that would be ok as a save_path until I got it working.  I'm not cluey enough to know if save_path means more than a directory that's able to be written to.  Unfortunately, anything I enter results in an error.  The error displays what I put in but always adds a dot in front as to suggest the current directory.  So if I was to put ../ for example it results in an error saying can't find .../ which of course doesn't exist.  That's just an example of what happens, not what my document root is.  This is possibly why I'm having problems in the first place.  The question is, is it my server adding the dot or is it frontaccounting?  Thankyou for your help so far, I feel I'm getting closer.

Re: Login Timeout

The reason is definitely on server settings side. But were the dot you mention about is added? Maybe you have some invalid  mod_rewrite settings in apache2.conf ?


Re: Login Timeout

Thanks, I appreciate your help.  At least I know now where to look.

Re: Login Timeout

Fixed!!  Thanks.  My mistake.  I had uncommented the wrong line.  My host had defined save_path in PHP to a tmp that I couldn't reach.  Now it's defined to the tmp created in the install and everything is running fine.  Not sure why my line counter was wrong but once I understood the problem I found the correct line by searching for save_path.