Topic: update themes - white screen

Version 2.3RC3
Don't know what I have done wrong, but after the update of available themes, I have in FF a white screen, and could not login anymore.
What could be the reason?
If I copy now the old themes from a backup on the server, and change the config-file, will this work?


Re: update themes - white screen

Please upgrade your installation to stable version 2.3.0. It is available on since yesterday.

Re: update themes - white screen

Hi Janusz,

I have done update 2.3
Once I was able to login into company 0 as admin, everything was working fine.
But after logout and try to login in to an other company I had white screen.
After this I was not able to login again to company 0.
Now I'm a little bit lost ....


Re: update themes - white screen

Hi Janusz,
Could it maybe a language problem?
Befor the update I could remember it was English, but after the update I changed to English (US), because I could not find a related language-file to English (without anything else).
Any other configuration I have not changed.


Re: update themes - white screen

No, I don't think so. But the problem can arise when nonstandard theme is set for some user in database, and the database is used on new installation, where the theme does not exists. If you still have access to admin account of first company you can simply install nonstandard themes from repository, and after this all accounts should work.


Re: update themes - white screen

Hi Janusz,
No I had not access anymore to the first company.
But I copied now files from a backup where the login was working to the folder themes on the serves, all themes excluding the three default ones.
Then the login was working again, and I updated again the themes.
Seems now it is working, till now :-)

I had changed the theme before update to default for admin, but as I saw in the DB an other user had still fancy, seems that the problem was coming from there.

In the error-file I see new this:
[11-Dec-2010 15:19:08] 0::config.php:61: date() [<a href=''></a>]: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'Europe/Berlin' for 'CET/1.0/no DST' instead
[11-Dec-2010 15:19:09] date_default_timezone_get() [<a href=''></a>]: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'Europe/Berlin' for 'CET/1.0/no DST' instead

These two lines are repeated on more then 200 lines ....
Mhh - what I must change?
With the RFC version I did not had this message, and I only updated, I have not changed any configuration beside theme and language.
